Author: T3107

Botanical gardens are often places where one can see rare plants.  They can also be calming places of beauty that can breathe real life into otherwise sterile urban areas.  Here are the world’s nine most beautiful botanical gardens. 1.  Jardim Botânico, Brazil The Jardim  Botânico can be found at the base of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro.  There under the ever-watching eyes of Christ the Redeemer, this botanical garden covers an area of 140 hectares (or almost 346 acres).  There you can see more than 6,500 different species of plants. Portugal’s King John VI founded this place in 1808.…

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1. La Palma, Canary Islands This place is most famous for its sunny beaches. The climate draws millions of tourists annually. Ah, but if you travel deeper into the island of La Palma, you will discover a series of underground tunnels. These tunnels were dug into the mountains in order to ensure that the water could reach both the agriculture and the forests at the lower elevations. You’ll discover unique views and an aspect of nature you’ve not previously experienced. 2. Supai, Arizona, USA Photo By: @tara1393_ Yes, believe it or not, there’s a small town at the bottom of…

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1 You want to go on a vacation yet don’t want to a blow a fortune? Want to save big on food, airfare, accommodation and sightseeing without compromising on enjoying a memorable holiday? Hey, how about inexpensive beer and cheap hostels? There are plenty of places off the hackneyed tourist path where you can enjoy unforgettable travel experiences. These places are relatively inexpensive, offer varied experiences and more value for the traveler’s money in 2017. Here are our picks for the year’s most value for money offering destinations. Get your backpacks ready 2Portugal There are lots of urban and day…

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When full term is exactly 41 weeks and 5 days Lisa, from the Santa Cruz Mountains, wants nothing more than to start labor and her plans for a water birth to proceed and perhaps to see her wish. her a birth caul come true. Eight hours into active labor, and after just 30 minutes of pushing, baby Juniper was born still in the amniotic sac! Check out these breathtaking photos of Lisa’s birth, taken by Santa Cruz Birth Photography. During the birth of Juniper, Lisa, who was supported by her husband Stephen, 42, her daughter Finley, 2, and a midwife,…

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Typically, a pregnancy lasts between 37 and 41 weeks before giving birth. As a result, when Jade Ewoldt gave birth to twin daughters in November of last year at just 22 weeks’ gestation, medical professionals didn’t think they had much of a chance of surviving. It is uncommon for infants born after 22 weeks to survive, according to Dr. Jonathan Klein, a neonatologist and medical director at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital where the twins were born. “The survival rate is 10% nationwide. Additionally, the survival rate for twins is even lower. According to the Associated Press, Keeley James…

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A baby girl who was born with a rare disease of the organs outside the body and is now six months old celebrated her first Christmas with her joyful parents. When Hannah and Simon Cox learned they were expecting their first child, they were ecstatic. Their joy, however, was short-lived as an ultrasound performed three months into their pregnancy revealed that their fetus had a catastrophic birth defect called a large umbilical hernia, which causes vital organs to develop outside of the child’s body. One out of every five infants did not survive, they were informed. But despite their differences,…

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Have you ever seen honeycomb as beautiful as this? Image credit: National Trust Who needs more evidence that bees are artists than these incredible photographs of heart-shaped natural honeycombs? This may seem like an unusual sight at first, but that’s because most of us are used to beekeepers placing rectangular frames within boxes to serve as hives. The bees then deposit their honey and build a comb directly onto the frames, which can be easily taken out and harvested by the beekeeper. But when not forced into frames, bees will use as much space as they have to store honey.…

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Alexander Semenov is a Russian marine biologist who specializes in invertebrates and often dives in harsh conditions. He is also a professional photographer mostly interested in scientific macrophotography in natural environments. During one of his recent dives under the ice in the White Sea in Russia, Semenov recorded a rarely seen creature known as the sea angel. The high-quality footage reveals the tiny sea slug’s ethereal beauty as well as Semenov’s incredible camera skills. Video credit: Alexander Semenov Semenov shared the following information about sea angels: “Sea angels are beautiful and mysterious creatures. These cold-water pteropod mollusks are among the…

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A 36-foot-long whale (yes, a whale) was recently discovered in Brazil’s remote jungle, miles from its natural habitat, when scavenging vultures alerted local officials with their screeching. Image credit: Bicho D’agua Institute/Facebook It’s no news that the Amazon rainforest teems with life, but one recent discovery left even seasoned wildlife experts and biologists baffled. In the undergrowth of Brazil’s Marajó Island, they found nothing less than the carcass of a 10-ton humpback whale. Preliminary theories suggest that the whale washed ashore during a storm or that it was already dead when rising tides carried it on land. However, scientists are…

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Las tumbas recién descubiertas del antiguo Egipto en Saqqara incluyen los entierros de un supervisor del templo, un artista del tesoro real y un individuo desconocido. Comentarios (0) Este es el mayor relieve encontrado en la tumba de Panehsy en Saqqara. (Crédito de la imagen: © Leiden Turin Expedition to Saqqara) Los arqueólogos en Egipto han descubierto varias tumbas y capillas que datan de hace unos 3.300 años en un antiguo cementerio en el sitio de Saqqara. La tumba más grande pertenecía a un hombre llamado “Panehsy” que era el “supervisor del templo de Amón”, Lara Weiss.(se abre en una pestaña nueva),…

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Un nuevo análisis de una “sirena” momificada encontrada en un templo japonés ha revelado exactamente de qué está hecha, y no es lo que pensaban los científicos. Comentarios (3) Una foto de la “sirena” cuando se exhibió para los periodistas en febrero de 2022.(Crédito de la imagen: El Asahi Shimbun) Una “sirena” momificada de siglos de antigüedad que los científicos revelaron recientemente como una horrible muñeca con partes de animales es incluso más rara de lo que se pensaba, según muestran nuevos hallazgos. En 2022, los investigadores descubrieron a la sirena , que mide alrededor de 30,5 centímetros (12 pulgadas) de…

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Arqueólogos en España descubrieron recientemente cinco bustos de tamaño natural de figuras humanas que representan la civilización perdida de Tartessos. Comentarios (1) Dos de las figuras talladas probablemente representan diosas con aretes de oro. (Crédito de la imagen: Samuel Sánchez) Arqueólogos en España han desenterrado cinco bustos de figuras humanas de tamaño natural que podrían ser las primeras representaciones humanas conocidas de los Tartessos, un pueblo que formó una antigua civilización que desapareció hace más de 2.500 años. Los rostros tallados en piedra, que los arqueólogos datan del siglo V a. C., se encontraron escondidos dentro de un pozo sellado en…

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1 America’s highways are nigh mystical and have ofttimes been glorified in literature and film. The “open road” has become a symbol of an individual’s freedom. This might be one reason why US road trips are so popular with both residents and visitors alike. So without further ado, here are the routes to the 10 best US road trips. 1. California State Route 1 This route takes you from Dana Point (near San Diego) to Leggett. The ease of this drive makes it a good intro to US road trips. You also get to see the beautiful Pacific Ocean. If you…

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1. The Sedona Heritage Museum This museum centers on the mid-1870s when the first settlers arrived here. Supported by the local Historical Society, it’s found in the Jordan family home which harkens back to that era. The museum covers the early days when people farmed mainly for their own families and a single creek irrigated the entire area. It also focuses on the development and disappearance of the local fruit trade. Finally, visitors also get to learn about how Hollywood shot so many western movies there back in the old days. 2. Devil’s Bridge Trail Devil’s Bridge is a remarkable…

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1.Bright Angel Trail, Arizona You really cannot go to the Grand Canyon and not go into the canyon itself. Sadly, experts report that the typical tourist visits the Grand Canyon for a stay of only 15 minutes. The most memorable and nigh epic would be hiking the entire Grand Canyon rim to rim. Unfortunately, while your roving writer (and his father) have managed it, not everyone is up to that. Another option would be to hike down to the famed Phantom Ranch and back up again. For most, the best bet is to hike the popular Bright Angel Trail where you can…

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Work at the Basak Police Station in Mandaue City was proceeding normally up until a cab pulled up in front of the facility at around 11 am. A pregnant woman and her brother were inside, getting ready to give birth. She would not be able to cross the Mactan Canal in Lapu-Lapu City to get to Ouano Hospital, the taxi driver was concerned. He believes that a patrol car with a siren will be more maneuverable around other vehicles. The station chief, Senior Inspector Rodgene Fudotan, was alerted to the situation and quickly gave the order to transport the woman…

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In her photographs, Carlene Foerester captures the poignant moments of childbirth at every stage. The birth of a child is the most significant and unique event, according to photographer Charlene Foerester. She characterizes it as a strong, occasionally wild, bold, and vulnerable experience—one that is unique and personal for each woman. She has only taken part in pregnant photography in recent years, and her work has won awards. By the International Association of Maternity Professional Photographers, one of her pictures from the previous year was recognized as one of the finest pregnant pictures of 2021. The infant is being welcomed…

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Every mother wants her child to be born in the best conditions, but sometimes the little angels appear without any rules. And so you greet the outside world in your own way. A mother gave birth in her pickup truck on the side of the road after she went into early labor while on her way to a doctor’s appointment at the hospital. Pimpapha Kudthed, 29, is the same as every antenatal visit. Today she has an appointment with the doctor to check on the health of mother and fetus. But a special thing different from usual, this time on…

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You’re probably thinking we’ve gotten our images mixed up and this is a bird’s nest – there’s no way it came out of a volcano. But it did, from Hawaii’s Mt. Kilauea. Pele’s hair & Pele’s tears from the Holocene of Hawaii, USA. Image credit: James St. John Named after Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele, “Pele’s Hair” refers to extremely long threads of yellowish to blackish-colored volcanic basalt glass stretched into thin strands by the physical pulling apart of molten lava during eruptions. It most commonly forms during fire fountain activity, as very fluid basalt lava spray is stretched while airborne.…

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Image credit: Sherif Ali Yousef Looking at these pictures you wonder why you’ve never seen this stunning place before. Well, it is is a barren place, away from beaten paths; reaching it by land requires a 4×4 and at least four days’ travel from N’Djamena, Chad’s capital, which is by no means a tourist destination. Furthermore, the place depicted in these pictures can only be reached by a 30-minute trek from the nearest point a 4×4 can approach. Photo: Ahmed Mostafa Ali The Guelta d’Archei is one of the most famous guelta (pocket of water) in the Sahara, situated on…

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The larval form giant bump-head sunfish had remained a mystery to ocean scientists – until now. Scientists from Australia and New Zealand have finally uncovered the early life stage of one of the largest fish on the planet, the giant bump-head sunfish (Mola alexandrini). Interestingly, the larva of the giant bump-head sunfish is ridiculously tiny and resembles something between a cinnamon crunch and a snowflake. The discovery was announced by the Australian Museum, whose collections were integral to the research. This species of bump-head sunfish is one of three Mola species that occupy Australian waters and is matched in weight…

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Descubrido el Aquilttt Towag de Phaпagoria, el área de Krasпodar, la estela se evalúa para que se remonten a la primera mitad de la quinta Ceпt. La estela con un sigpatυre en el pame de Persiap Kipg Dariυs I fue υempezada en el ceptre de Phapagoria, los restos de una apciept ciudad griega pera Crimea y el Mar Negro dυripg en una expedición arqueológica que ha sido apoyada por Volpoe Delo Forυpdatiop desde 2004. Las inscripciones decodificadas del estado de la estela, alguien las hizo con el nombre de Persia, Kig Dariυs I, que vivió entre 550 y 486 a. La…

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Es probable que el hombre usara sus tatuajes para ayudar a proyectar una imagen de fuerza y ​​virilidad machista. En gran parte del mundo antiguo, ambos tipos de animales a menudo se asociaban con el poder masculino, la virilidad, la fertilidad y la creación. Los dos animales fueron tatuados en el brazo del hombre hace unos 5.200 años. Junto con un europeo de la Edad del Cobre de época casi idéntica, encontrado preservado en un glaciar alpino, el antiguo egipcio es el individuo tatuado más antiguo jamás descubierto. Sin embargo, la momia alpina, a menudo apodada el Hombre de Hielo, solo tenía…

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Estas momias no están momificadas intencionalmente, sino que se han conservado debido a la ubicación desértica en la que fueron encontradas. Debido a las condiciones áridas de la cuenca del Tarim, los procesos químicos que conducen a la descomposición se ralentizan drásticamente, lo que hace que los cadáveres permanezcan en muy buenas condiciones incluso miles de años después de la muerte del individuo. Esto también se ve en el hiperárido desierto de Atacama en Chile. Descubrimientos de momias Algunas de las primeras momias se encontraron cerca de un pueblo uigur. Datan de entre 2000 y 4000 años antes del presente. La ropa se ha…

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