Author: T3107

Thinking about spending a trip of your loved one, or perhaps catching a breathtaking sweet spot? This is places in France should absolutely be part of your bucket list. Throughout this country, art pieces from the Renaissance Era can be observed. Magnificent works of the famous artist, architectural wonders and stunning scenery. Surely, you do not want to miss these top ten most ravishing romantic places in France. Hold your horses with these magnificent spots. PICTURESQUE PLACES IN FRANCE 1. CHAMPAGNE Sipping a glass with your favorite champagne is such an amazing thing to do when relaxing. It’s all thanks…

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Are any of you ladies still feeling the impact of recent events? Have you missed “Girls’ Night Out”? If you’re in the US and are looking to once more enjoy a weekend gals’ getaway or vixens’ vacation, then keep reading. We have compiled several ideas for you. Thus, without further ado, here are the best destinations for a girls’ weekend in the US. Best Destinations For A Girls’ Weekend In The US 1. The Florida Keys, Florida The popular Florida Keys and Key West are reported to be perfect getaway spots for girlfriends. It’s a favorite travel destination because it…

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From coast to coast, the U.S.A. is home to quite a lot of natural beauty. Still, some states beat out others when it comes to providing visitors with the most stunning landscapes and scenery. A group of experts studied every state in the U.S. They evaluated each one on a number of different relevant factors having to do with natural beauty, including the number of beaches, large natural lakes, mountains, national parks, and waterfalls in order to determine the top ten. From the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-Atlantic and everything in between, these US states are the best in terms…

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1. Niagara Cruises When visiting waterfalls, what people normally expect is to see water flowing over a vertical drop or a series of drops from the high rocks or mountains. However, take things differently as you visit Niagara Falls in Canada. There is more to just sightseeing the astonishing group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge. There are surely more things to do and enjoy at Niagara Park. Discover unique attractions and indulge in exciting activities that you would likely cherish. To help you with your travel plans, check out the following Top 10 things do in Niagara Falls: 1. Niagara…

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Un vidrio de oro antiguo extremadamente raro y hermoso que representa a la Diosa Roma ha sido desenterrado durante los trabajos de construcción de la estación de Metro C en Porta Metronia en Roma, Italia. El precioso artefacto es único porque es la primera vez que se encuentra una representación de Roma en vidrio dorado, según la arqueóloga Simona Morretta de la superintendencia especial de Roma. En la antigua religión romana, la diosa Roma era la personificación de Roma y del estado romano. Por lo general, se la representa en forma militar en el arte y las monedas romanas, con casco…

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Un área de entierro de 300 años de antigüedad, en la que dos cuerpos fueron reducidos a esqueletos mientras que uno estaba perfectamente conservado, ha dejado desconcertados a los arqueólogos chinos. Cuando se abrió uno de los ataúdes, el rostro del hombre, aseguran los expertos, estaba perfectamente conservado. Sin embargo, en cuestión de horas, la cara comenzó a ponerse negra y un olor desagradable comenzó a emanar del cuerpo. Arqueólogos chinos desconcertados están estudiando un ataúd de 300 años encontrado con otros dos en los que dos de los cuerpos habían sido reducidos a esqueletos, pero en el que el…

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En 2018, se agregó otra entrada a la colección de Internet de fotografías de esqueletos gigantes, esta dice que muestra un descubrimiento en una cueva en Krabi, Tailandia, de los restos de un gigante que “parecía haber estado luchando contra una gran serpiente cornuda contra la muerte”. : La mayoría de las imágenes de esta naturaleza son manipulaciones digitales o imágenes de escenarios, y en este caso resultó ser lo último. Esta fotografía proviene de una instalación de arte de 2018 exhibida en una cueva en Tailandia como parte de una exposición bienal de arte contemporáneo. Dos instalaciones a gran escala…

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Lowther, Oliver-Cash On the third day of the coronavirus shutdown in March, Ryan was delivered weighing only 1lb 3oz and measuring only 7in long. He has been fighting for his life for a long time, requiring medical care at three separate hospitals. He is now 12 weeks old and winning the fight. Oliver, who was born with a breach, has experienced two perforated bowel surgeries, 11 blood transfusions, two pulmonary bleeds, one brain bleed, three episodes of collapsed lungs, and cardiac problems. Oliver has earned the nickname “Rocky” for his struggle to survive. The child eventually had the courage to…

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Survivorship of Premature Twins Born 18 Weeks Early Sets New Record The survival of a set of twin girls who were born 18 weeks early has set new records. The earliest preterm twins ever to be delivered at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic are Kambry and Keeley Ewoldt. Compared to the usual human pregnancy, which lasts 40 weeks, or roughly nine months, the twins were born in late November after 22 weeks of pregnancy. They would undoubtedly be among the first four or five children to be born in this country. Dr. Jonathn Klein, neonatologist and NICU medical…

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Karso’s family recognized that due to his serious health concerns, they could have to say goodbye to him forever. The boy’s grandmother Lisa, however, published the boy’s incredible testimony online. She asserted that Chelsea had to make a really difficult decision in order to allow her to remove the ventilator. This beautiful youngster has two extremely distinctive traits and is fully connected, which is the only explanation for what transpired, according to a Facebook post. She claimed that in addition to having a hemorrhage that had left his temporal lobe, he was also receiving treatment for a metabolic issue at…

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California-based bird photographer Phoo Chan has captured these once-in-a-lifetime photos of a crow landing and riding on the back of a bald eagle mid-flight. And it’s comparable to the woodpecker flying with a weasel on its back. According to Chan, “Crows are known for aggressively harassing other raptors that are much bigger in size when spotted in their territories and usually these ‘intruders’ simply retreat without much fuss. However, in this frame the crow did not seem to harass the bald eagle at such close proximity and neither did the bald eagle seem to mind the crow’s presence invading its personal space. What made…

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The largest creatures on earth have a tendency to blow up when washed ashore, which can be rather nasty. A bloated whale washed ashore in Namibia. Image credits: Free pictures for conservation / CCsearch, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 This video of an exploding whale was captured in the Faroe Islands back in 2013. As a marine biologist started cutting into the whale which was dead for about 2 days, a vicious explosion erupted from the remains, spraying blood and guts, nearly injuring the biologist. The blast was so powerful that the flensing knife was ripped from his hands and stood in…

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These African wild animals look like close family members to the domesticated horses we all know. So that means we can ride them, right? Well, not exactly. Zebras are herbivores that are native to Central and South Africa. They belong to the genus equine, which includes species such as horses and donkeys. Probably the most special feature of zebras that distuingusihes them from the latter two species is the stripes that cover most of their bodies. Interestingly, each set of stripes come in a different pattern and every stripe sequence is unique to a specific individual. Scientists have found that…

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1 Are you traveling to America’s Grand Canyon soon? If you’re hoping to take in the best views of this natural wonder, you should know that there are many different viewpoints from which to choose. Indeed, there are numerous viewpoints just along the South Rim alone and it’s difficult to determine which ones to visit. Thus, in order to assist you in organizing your itinerary, we now present the 15 best Grand Canyon viewpoints on the South Rim. The 6 Best Grand Canyon Viewpoints on the South Rim The Hermit Road Viewpoints via the Red Route Shuttle 1. The Hermit’s…

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8Affordable mid-century dwelling in Polo, Illinois Photo By: Lora Smith Constructed by the commercial architect Vern Lars Solberg in 1962, this 2,522-square-foot home is a Usonian-style three-bedroom and two-bathroom original. Solberg met Ross and Eleanor Graves while attending the University of Oklahoma. Eleanor’s father worked on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Wisconsin property. Ross introduced Solberg to Wright’s organic architectural style. When a Polo physician commissioned Solberg to design a home, this particular place was the result. 7A gem on Bainbridge Island, Washington This post-and-beam jewel was designed for the late Jack Christiansen, (engineer of Seattle’s Kingdome and other iconic structures), in…

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1Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Instead of Zion National Park Online sources report that last year over 327 million travelers visited America’s national parks and historic sites. The majority of the crowds were found in Zion, Yellowstone, and the Great Smoky Mountains. If you want to avoid these crowds, here are 10 alternatives to America’s most visited national parks. 1. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Instead of Zion National Park Zion National Park is almost a rite of passage for 4.5 million backpackers and hikers. The struggle against trashed and congested trails, especially in The popular Narrows, is never-ending. Less than 50…

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What are the most beautiful places in the US? We’ve gathered data from several websites (including our own) to determine the top destinations in the US. Here they are: San Francisco, California San Francisco was ranked in the top 50 “most beautiful cities in the world” by Flight network. Highlights include Alcatraz Island, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the sea lions. Oneonta Gorge, Oregon Oneonta Gorge in Oregon was deemed by more than one travel website to be the home of one of the country’s 11 top “spectacular waterfalls” that travelers should see before they die.

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Here are five virtual US National Park Tours you can take from the comfort of home! Does the coronavirus lockdown have you feeling anxious? Anne Frank hid in an attic with her entire family for two years without even a landline. But seriously, folks, with the continuing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak heavily impacting practically every country in the world, we are all attempting to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of this new virus strain by practicing social distancing and self-isolating. Bars, movie theaters, restaurants, schools, and other places people congregate have all temporarily closed their doors. Even legitimate universities have temporarily…

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1 Are you interested in hiking? Do you enjoy visiting US national parks? Do you like hiking in national parks? If so, get ready to take notes as we present these 10 must-do desert hikes in US national parks. 10 Must-Do Desert Hikes in US National Parks 1. Golden Canyon, Gower Gulch, and Badlands Loop, California And Nevada One favorite desert hike in Death Valley National Park is this loop hike through the golden badlands. The circuit is a total of eight miles. It is a strenuous hike and thus requires between four and five hours to complete. Start your…

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The picture of a sheep showing gratitude to a dog that has just saved its entire flock from a wolf attack has recently gone viral on social media. But hey, what breed of dog is capable of doing that? Viral image of a sheep comforting a Kangal after it protected their herd from wolves. Image credits: Reddit Wolves, the largest canine species, are considered to be the apex predators of their natural habitats, whether in Eurasia or North-America. With no natural enemies, they prey on most mammals without hesitation, and livestock is no exception. However, they do have some…

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It may sound surprising, but not all birds need wings to travel great distances. Although Adélie penguins are the smallest penguin species in Antarctica, they take one of the longest known migratory journeys every year. But why are they forced to travel such long distances? A long jouney indeed. Image credits: Chris Vees (priorité maison)/Creative Commoms Pygoscelis adeliae, commonly known as the Adélie penguin, is a species of penguin found along the coast of the Antarctic continent. It was named by French explorer Jules Dumont d’Urville, who discovered the species in 1840 and named it after his beloved wife, Adéle.…

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Why do we never see baby pigeons? Where did they go? Chances are you haven’t seen this face yet, and the reason is simple. Source Visit any big city anywhere in the world, its squares will undoubtedly be filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of head-bobbing pigeons. But despite their numbers, you never see their chicks. How come? Well, the pigeons you come across eating leftover pizza and ice cream in the streets are mostly feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica). This subspecies was originally bred from the wild rock dove, the world’s oldest domesticated bird, a species that nests and…

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La necrópolis al sur de El Cairo contiene una gran cantidad de criaturas y estatuas preservadas Un arqueólogo trabajando en una estatua dentro de un toмƄ, en una antigua necrópolis cerca de las famosas pirámides de Egipto en Saqqara Decenas de gatos muertos y una rara colección de escarabajos mumificados han sido desenterrados en siete pueblos del antiguo Egipto al sur de El Cairo, según arqueólogos locales. Mientras preparaba el sitio en la antigua necrópolis de Saqqara, el equipo también se encontró con la puerta de otra puerta que permanece sellada. Mostafa Waziri, secretario general del Consejo Supremo de…

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Dispuestos en criptas e iglesias, con cráneos lascivos y piel de pergamino, los muertos disecados de Sicilia han mantenido una vigilia muda durante mucho tiempo. Pero ahora, siglos después, estos espeluznantes cadáveres tienen mucho que decir. Cinco años después del Proyecto Momia de Sicilia, seis colecciones macabras ofrecen a los científicos una nueva mirada a la vida y la muerte en la isla mediterránea desde finales del siglo XVI hasta mediados del XX. Dirigida por el antropólogo Dario Piombino-Mascali del Departamento de Patrimonio Cultural e Identidad Siciliana en Palermo (mapa), la investigación en curso está revelando cómo los hombres religiosos…

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