Author: T3107

1Santa Fe, New Mexico People who love to travel don’t lose the desire once they hit 50. Many older people even travel solo. With those thoughts in mind, here are 15 unforgettable trips for people over 50. 1. Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe, the oldest state capital in the USA, is a hit with people over 50. Whether it’s the dry, warm climate, history, arts, and cultural scene or outdoor adventures, is unclear. History buffs will love the historic plaza (which harkens back to the 1600s), the well-known San Miguel Mission, and Native American museums. There are also various…

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1 Skiing and snowboarding offer adventurous travelers both thrills and stunning locations. North America has an abundance of spectacular spots for these sports. Here are the top 15 skiing and snowboarding resort locations. Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA The Jackson Hole ski resort is over half a century old and is still atop spot for both skiing and snowboarding. It is popular for both the level of snowfall there and its challenging terrain. The recent addition of a fast ski lift has also aided in making this place one of the best snowboarding and skiing destinations on the continent. 2.Aspen Highlands,…

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1. Niagara Cruises Get up close to the Niagara Falls while on the Hornblower Niagara Cruises. With this experience, you get to bring home a memory like no other. Just the fact that you get to witness right before your eyes, as close as you can get, the spectacular scenery of the vast waterfalls is worth an endless reminiscing. This Canada cruise is often included in the “must-do” signature attraction at the Niagara Falls. One way to avail this awesome ride is to get an Adventure Pass. The pass also allows two-consecutive day pass for WEGO- a bus system which takes a ride…

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Photographing births, Dannelle Hale is aware of how difficult labor can be for first-time parents. When she was eventually urged to push, Karissa and James, a couple she recently photographed, were precisely feeling that way. James had the greatest emotional upheaval when he became a father for the first time and witnessed the birth of his daughter. Thank goodness Dannille was there to record it. In her Instagram remark, Dannille said, “I witnessed this dad stroll across the floor and stand helplessly as his wife rode through the waves. “I took a quick glance at James, who was tensely gripping…

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Since they were both delivered in the back of an ambulance while en route to Mater Mothers Hospital in Brisbane, Queensland’s tiny twins Harvey and Evelyn made an outstanding debut into the world. The breech twins’ birth, which occurred only six minutes apart, was characterized by the mother, Tara, as “unforgettable.” Evelyn and Harvey made their unexpected birth announcement when Tara was only 32 weeks along in her pregnancy and there was still a long way to go. The paramedics realized they wouldn’t be at the hospital in time while they were traveling there. They next made a U-turn onto…

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Axel Murray, who is only 2 days old, is eager to begin living. The kid arrived quickly, two weeks ahead of schedule, and just as his mother was about to leave for the hospital. After her water broke at 4 a.m. and the couple timed their contractions, Roxanne Faithfull and her partner Andrew Murray made the hasty trip from their apartment in the center of Auckland to the hospital in the early hours. He showed up two weeks early. The new father, who was still in awe of his partner, told the Herald that neither of us had packed the…

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I discovered my second baby Ivy has unusual limbs at the age of 19 weeks. She was told by the midwife that the scan revealed significant findings. She immediately started crying, and her stomach immediately slumped. I just have a horrible, horrible sensation that something is wrong. They finally sat down and she told her midwife about the sonogram. The midwife delivered the dreadful news: “First, there’s a chance the baby will have a cleft lip. Additionally, her heart suffered greatly when she lost both her hand and forearm, and one side of her femur was twisted and shorter than…

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The body and the baby simply do it the way it was supposed to and when it does it just happens anywhere, at any time, without regard to set dates, time limits, or management of how, when, or how we give birth. Aren’t women amazing. Like the old saying, “All you need is a vagina & floor space”. Or in this case – back seat space! Champion management, and lovely birth supporters too. 33-year-old Dr. Gabriela Correia is seen giving birth in a gas station parking lot in a video that was uploaded on Instagram on 24. Her husband Gilberto…

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At the crossroads of Winns Church Road and 33rd Street in Hanover, a family from Ashland welcomed their new baby into the world inside their car. Along with their two daughters, Juniper and Harbor, Tyler Edwards and Logan Roop are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their third child. They didn’t anticipate that their infant would be so impatient, though, that they wouldn’t wait for their parents to arrive at the maternity unit. Roop began having contractions on January 29 and her water broke two hours later. After a short while, Logan’s husband started packing their bags into the car and…

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Yes, you’ve read that right. The trick is called counterillumination. Surprised or sad? Probably both and definitely creepy – at least by human standards. Image source: Imgur Marine hatchetfish are some of the most intriguing creatures in the ocean. Members of the family Sternoptychidae, these small, silver-colored fish are named after their unique body shape, which resembles a hatchet or cleaver. While they may not look like much (their size ranges from 2.8cm to 12cm long), these tiny fish have actually evolved some unique adaptations that allow them to survive in the deep, dark depths of the ocean. First of…

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It’s hard not to crack a smile when seeing this newborn calf. This week, a farm near Ripplebrook in Australia welcomed a new arrival named Happy. The owners say they plan to keep the smiling cow around as a pet. Image credit: Bellbrook Holsteins An Australian dairy farm recently posted a picture of their latest Holstein calf. While all newborn calves are adorable, this one has four markings on its side that resemble a smiley face, making it an even more joyous sight. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a more cheerful sign! The farm owned by Barry Coster and his…

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A cultured meat company has produced a mammoth meatball using mammoth DNA, thus reviving the flash of the long-extinct animals. Image credit: Aico Lind/Vow Numerous companies are currently developing alternatives to conventional meat, including chicken, pork, and beef. But there is a firm called Vow Food that aims to utilize a combination of cells from atypical species to produce innovative types of meat – including mammoth meat. The company worked together with Professor Ernst Wolvetang from the Australian Institute for Bioengineering at the University of Queensland to create mammoth muscle protein so that it could then be made into meatballs,…

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Imagine this. You are fishing on your 62-foot charter vessel in Alaska when you see 4 deer swimming towards your boat. What do you do? (Read full story below) Tom Satre, the captain of the vessel, slowed down his boat and began to watch the group of four juvenile Sitka black-tailed deer. “They swam right toward the boat,” he said. “Then, they started to circle the boat. They were looking up and looked like they needed help.” Satre said this was the first time he saw deer in this much distress. The poor souls were foaming at the mouth, unable…

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These peaceful little guys (who are the largest rodents in the world) are called capybaras, and they get along extremely well with literally every other animal species. Including humans. How come? Well, it certainly doesn’t have to do with the fact that they eat their own waste. No, what it probably has to do with is their incredible inner peace. Just look at this. And indeed, the photo/video evidence of the capybara’s friendliness towards other animals is more than convincing. Apparently, all domestic and wild animals (including crocodiles!) seem to be happily hanging out with this friendly creature that looks…

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Snakes are well-known for swallowing their prey whole, but this unlucky little serpent’s fortune appears to have turned. Image credit: Julie-Anne O’Neill Photographer Julie-Anne O’Neill has claimed credit for the image, in a Google+ post in November 2016. She wrote there that this image of an Australian green tree frog eating a brown snake was taken at night with a Canon EOS 550D. However, as the image has been seen online prior to her post, her claim cannot be confirmed. O’Neill adds: “Previous to the capture, I had been led to believe that they ate only insects. The Australian Brown Snake is…

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Un antiguo sarcófago de madera egipcio llamado “ataúd verde” ha sido devuelto a su hogar legítimo por las autoridades estadounidenses, según funcionarios egipcios. El sarcófago había sido exhibido en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Houston y fue repatriado después de que se descubriera que había sido saqueado de una tumba antigua en Egipto y vendido ilegalmente en Estados Unidos. El “ataúd verde” Según la BBC, el ataúd funerario, que mide 2,9 m (9,5 pies) de largo, se remonta al período dinástico tardío del 664 a. C., al 332 a. C. Este fue el último gobierno faraónico nativo egipcio antes de…

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Los arqueólogos han descubierto recientemente los restos de un hombre con cadenas de hierro en el sitio arqueológico de Khirbat el-Masani en el norte de Jerusalén. Los restos tienen 1500 años y son los de un monje bizantino. Khirbat el Masani es una ruina ubicada en Cisjordania. Previamente, los arqueólogos de la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel habían descubierto una iglesia tri-ápsida de la era bizantina en el sitio, informa Heritage Daily. La iglesia formaba parte de un monasterio que también albergaba una casa de descanso para peregrinos viajeros. Construida con sillares de piedra caliza, piedra finamente tallada en escuadra, se cree que…

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Los arqueólogos en el sur de Egipto han descubierto una estatua de esfinge en miniatura notable, luciendo una característica rara de una cara sonriente con dos hoyuelos. El artefacto se encontró cerca del Templo de Hathor en una tumba de dos niveles y se cree que representa potencialmente al emperador romano Claudio, lo que lo convierte en un hallazgo significativo. La inusual expresión sonriente de la esfinge no se encuentra típicamente en el arte egipcio antiguo, lo que se suma a la intriga y el misterio que rodea el descubrimiento. Además, los investigadores también encontraron una estela romana (losa de piedra) escrita…

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Las firmas esqueléticas únicas identificadas en cuerpos de 5.000 años de antigüedad de la actual Hungría, Rumania y Bulgaria proporcionan la evidencia más antigua de equitación jamás descubierta. Un equipo de investigadores descubrió que alrededor del año 3000 antes de Cristo, las personas en el este de Europa sufrieron el “síndrome de la equitación”. El equipo, de la Universidad de Helsinki y Hartwick College en Nueva York, sacó sus conclusiones después de estudiar a más de “200 individuos Yamnaya” que se remontan al comienzo de la Edad del Bronce. A Hips Up revela a los ciclistas más veteranos Los investigadores descubrieron un grupo de antiguos…

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Siglos después de que los primeros ataúdes de oro fueran llevados a Europa, las momias del antiguo Egipto aún capturan vívidamente la imaginación de la gente. Tal vez estamos asombrados por la grandeza de sus rituales y tradiciones. Pero los nuevos descubrimientos siguen desafiando la percepción de los científicos sobre estos ritos antiguos Como egiptólogo biomédico, estudio momias para aprender sobre la vida en poblaciones antiguas. Durante los últimos 10 años, he visto un gran cambio en nuestra comprensión de cómo, por qué y cuándo se crearon las momias. Esto ha sido impulsado principalmente por nuevos descubrimientos científicos. Aquí hay…

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Los arqueólogos en Perú han descubierto un sitio de templo monumental donde descubrieron entierros humanos únicos envueltos en telas impresas con extraños diseños zoomorfos. Estos paquetes contienen los restos de personas fallecidas, así como varias ofrendas y pertenencias personales envueltas en múltiples capas de textiles, a menudo con diseños y patrones intrincados. Encontrados en tumbas y cuevas, muchos fardos funerarios se han conservado durante cientos o incluso miles de años. Entierros antiguos de alto estatus PAP informa que dentro de uno de los túmulos funerarios, los arqueólogos identificaron los restos envueltos de un niño cuyo cráneo fue “intencionalmente deformado”. Envuelto en una tela…

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1. The Sedona Heritage Museum This museum centers on the mid-1870s when the first settlers arrived here. Supported by the local Historical Society, it’s found in the Jordan family home which harkens back to that era. The museum covers the early days when people farmed mainly for their own families and a single creek irrigated the entire area. It also focuses on the development and disappearance of the local fruit trade. Finally, visitors also get to learn about how Hollywood shot so many western movies there back in the old days. 22. Devil’s Bridge Trail Devil’s Bridge is a remarkable…

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Imagine being caught in traffic or a boring commute for long. Driving around familiar everyday places can feel like an exhausting routine. How about experiencing amazingly beautiful roads featuring stunning vistas that keep you going? How about witnessing roads that make driving through them pleasurable? Technology, innovation and globalization have made it possible to drive on awesome roads and terrains. Here are 12 of the most stunning roads that will make your journey not just pleasant but exciting. 1. Route 163, United States of America Apart from the more famous cross country Route 66, this is probably one the nation’s…

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There are some questions that may never be answered. Even today, archaeologists and other researchers are unable to solve the mysteries left behind by some previous people. Indeed, here are 22 mysterious monuments from ancient civilizations. The Pyramids of Giza Located in Cairo, Egyptologists still can only speculate about this 4,500-year-old burial complex. How could ancient architects assemble these specific structures as high as 149 meters (459 feet)? How could millions of stone blocks weighing several tons even be moved several kilometers in the first place? How the builders could be so precise with such rudimentary tools remains a mystery to this day. Pyramids…

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