Author: T3107

1Barcelona, Spain Though it isn’t the best city in terms of employment opportunities, Barcelona has a lot going for it in terms of food, culture, beer and tourism. It also scores well in the health department. How can you not feel good when you live in the midst of crisp Mediterranean air, fresh sea food and good old sangria? Plus, there’s tapas to rave about! 2Amsterdam, Netherlands Apart from being the top ranker where the world’s most livable cities for millennials is concerned, Amsterdam also scores when it comes to alternate sexuality friendliness (one of the important determinants for millennials)…

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1 Some of the world’s most spectacular destinations are national parks. It is here that you will find the world at its rugged, most thriving green and pristine best in the midst of indigenous flora and fauna. The well preserved, maintained and protected ecological wonders are a testimony to a region’s natural resources. Think emerald jungles, azure blue oceans, unusual plant and animal species. The parks are tranquil natural havens where you can experience the best of a region’s ecology. Here are 12 of the most splendid national parks in the world that cover everything from the Costa Rica’s cloud…

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Do you have a fear of falling? Are you looking for an unusual way to beat that fear? Then check out these 10 bridges that some have labeled “only for the brave.” Take a look at these –if you dare. 1. Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, Nepal This is perhaps one of the most extreme footbridges you could cross. It is 440 feet over a river canyon and is 1,100 feet in length. Composed of steel wires and ropes, this goat bridge sways in even a gentle breeze. 2. Arenal Hanging Bridges, Costa Rica This series of bridges can be found…

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There are a number of hikes you can take in Utah’s awesome Arches National Park. They vary in length, terrain, and level of difficulty too. In order to help you work out your hiking itinerary, here are the 15 best hikes in Arches National Park. The 7 Best Hikes In Arches National Park The Best Hikes Under One Mile Have a busy vacation schedule? Not a real hiker? Here are some Arches National Park hikes with a total distance of one mile or less. 1. The Double Arch Hike This easy “hike” is only half a mile in total. The…

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When praising the ideal boy, the mother of a son who was born and had one with an ebbed claimed that she had never thought of herself. Now 11 months old, Henry Higgs enjoys playing in the bathtub and reaching for his toys. Rosie Higgs, the mother, was informed that her unborn child might have an amniotic band if he or she had a healthy 20-week pregnancy. Family and friends have questioned whether she should abort the pregnancy given the significant physical obstacles he will face. But, Rosie, a mother of three from Harrow, North London, is certain that she…

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Every birth is distinctive and noteworthy in its own way. What’s even more surprising is that a baby might appear to be in a bubble when it is born “en-caul,” which occurs when the amniotic sac is still intact following delivery. Vaginal delivery is so uncommon that many mothers have never even heard of it until their own experience. En caul deliveries, in which a child is delivered with the amniotic sac still in place, happen rarely approximately 1 in 80,000 times. Whilst still extremely uncommon generally, it is more frequent during cesarean births than during vaginal births. Parts of…

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A baby boy is due to Matthew and Lauren Accurso’s fourth child; the two have been married for 20 years. In anticipation of meeting his three elder sisters, Ali Rose (8 years old), Naomi Belle (5 years old), and Layna Louise, newborn Matthew is eager to be born (2 years old). But, their future aspirations were abruptly crushed on April 29 when Lauren, 37, unexpectedly passed away while giving birth. Her departure “medically necessary and inevitable; highly unusual.” Due to the prolonged lack of oxygen he received at birth, baby Matthew was placed in the intensive care unit where he…

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Monet Nicole records the individuality of every birth. Monet Nicole has several years of expertise as a midwife and a professional photographer. She has documented hundreds of women giving birth, and she posts her experiences, ideas, and photo materials on her Instagram account. According to the photographer, giving birth is a rare, uncommon, and distressing process that every woman must go through. She also thinks that every birth has a distinctive quality, which she tries to emphasize in her work. This photographer has released a collection of images depicting the incident of a mother giving birth in a car. She…

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Scotland’ life was miraculously restored in the sandich bag after her heart had stopped for 40 minutes. Although medics battled for nearly 40 minutes to bring Ryan Colquhoun back, he will celebrate his first birthday next month. Earl was four months old when he was born. Ryan Colquhoun, who weighed 1 lb 7 oz. at birth, was born 17 weeks early. His heartbroken mother, 25-year-old Claire Nobile, expressed her fear for the worst. Ryan was so persuaded that his mother’s fingertip and physicians opened his airways and gave him the simplest breathing option possible. But doctors allowed him to use…

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Even before birth, mothers and their children had a special link. After all those months, a sometimes difficult but ultimately fulfilling relationship begins. Since parents provide their young ones with necessities like food, drink, shelter, and sleep as well as develop strong attachments with them, mothers play a significant part in their mental health. The sharing of the same blood is what is meant by the noble spiritual motherhood. The emotional bond that forms between a baby and its mother is referred to as “attachment” in this context. You begin to have a passionate and contented bond with your child…

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When bumblebees get tired from buzzing around gathering pollen for their baskets, they just crawl into a flower and fall asleep. While many species of wild bees sleep in flowers regularly, honey bees usually work in shifts and sleep and nap in the hive although they may well stay out if they lost their bearings during the day’s foraging. Bumblebees, on the other hand, flap their wings as fast as 200 times per second. In addition, they have an extremely fast metabolism, so they have to eat almost non-stop! It’s no wonder that they get tired and direly need a…

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Photographer Tim Samuel and videographer Franny Plumridge stumbled upon this rare sight while freediving in Byron Bay, Australia. Apparently, a fish had gotten trapped inside a jellyfish, and even more astonishingly, it was somewhat able to steer its new transparent prison. Image: Tim Samuel / timsamuelphotography And, as the look on the little guy’s face suggests, it might as well turn out to be prison for life. This left Samuel, the photographer, with an ethical dilemma: “My first impressions were amazement as I had never seen anything like it before,” he told Gizmodo. “I contemplated freeing the fish as I felt bad…

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A huge, well, love machine. Aplysia vaccaria, the larges sea slug species on earth. Image credit: HerbziKal Aplysia vaccaria, also known as the black sea hare and California black sea hare, is a species of extremely large sea slug inhabiting the waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean off California, United States and Baja California, Mexico, including the Gulf of California. The black sea hare is, in fact, the largest sea slug species on the planet. It has the potential to reach impressive sizes, with the longest known specimen measuring 99 cm (39 in) in length when fully extended and weighing…

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The Greenland shark is currently the longest-living vertebrate known on Earth, according to scientists. Image credit: Dive Magazine The age of 28 Greenland sharks were determined using radiocarbon dating of eye proteins, revealing that one female shark was estimated to be about 400 years old. This makes it the longest-living vertebrate known on Earth, surpassing the previous record holder, a bowhead whale estimated to be 211 years old. As Julius Nielsen, a marine biologist from the University of Copenhagen who was the lead author of the study, put it: “We had our expectations that we were dealing with an unusual…

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Who thought it would ever be sighted again? Chirodectes maculatus. It was only seen and described once before the new footage surfaced. Image credit: Scuba Ventures Kavieng New footage by Scuba Ventures in Kavieng, Papua New Guinea, shows one of the rarest animal sightings in the world involving a Chirodectes maculatus, an incredibly rare genus of box jellyfish which had only been sighted once before. The stunning video was published on Scuba Ventures’ Facebook page with the caption: “Saw a new type of Jellyfish while diving today. It has cool markings and is a bit bigger than a soccer ball…

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Scientists are making guesses as to what the ‘red glob’ washed ashore could be – some think it could be a rare seven-armed octopus. Photographs of a mysterious “red glob” that washed ashore on a beach in Washington have puzzled scientists. Photo: Ron Newberry/Whidbey Camano Land Trust From time to time, a mysterious “thing” from the deep oceans will wash up somewhere on a beach and cause a sensation on social media. And sometimes also among scientists. The latest such spark was a mysterious ‘red glob’ that appeared on the shores of Washington state. The curious sea creature was discovered…

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Allá por 2012, el curador de la isla catalana, Mᴜseᴜm, abrió la puerta de una trastienda muy mohosa con la esperanza de encontrar material para una exhibición. Mientras se dirigía a una esquina trasera, notó una fila de trᴜпks. Llevó el trᴜпk más grande, que pertenecía a Ralph Glidde, un arqueólogo aficionado, a una mesa, sopló el polvo y levantó la tapa. Comunicación A un lado había pantalones con tapa de cuero y fotografías amarillentas que mostraban esqueletos recién desenterrados acostados de espaldas o costados, o enroscados como si estuviera durmiendo. Muchos fueron destrozados por estofados, ollas y abalorios. LA Marzᴜlli, quien…

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El interior de un ataúd desenterrado se muestra después de que los arqueólogos lo abrieran en el museo de la liga Xilin Gol en Xilinhot, en la Región Autónoma de Mongolia Interior, en el norte de China, el 8 de marzo de 2014. Se abrió un ataúd de 1.500 años de antigüedad, excavado en los pastizales de la liga Xilin Gol. aquí el 8 de marzo. El ataúd bien conservado podría remontarse a la dinastía Wei del Norte (386-534). Aún se desconoce la identidad del dueño de la tumba. [Foto de Zhang Ling/Xinhua] Los arqueólogos miden los artículos desenterrados en el…

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Después de desenterrar un objeto extraño en forma de pirámide en el fondo del océano, los investigadores creen que han encontrado la legendaria Ciudad de Atlatis. Google Earth reveló la misteriosa estructura, que tiene entre 3.5 y 11 millas de ancho y está ubicada en el Océano Pacífico, justo al oeste de México. Un video de YoυTυbe que representaba el descubrimiento provocó una reflexión considerable de que podría ser una metrópolis ahogada o un OVNI. El objeto fue descubierto por Marcelo Igazυsta de Argentina, quien lo describió como “una luz brillante en el Océano Pacífico”. El teórico de la conspiración…

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Un héroe nativo americano es honrado con un monumento a unas 17 millas del Monte Rushmore. Crazy Horse fue un líder oglala lakota que luchó en muchos de los conflictos más famosos de las guerras indias americanas, en particular la batalla de Little Bighorn, donde mató al general Custer. Luchó para salvar la tierra de los oglala, pero al final consiguió una concesión del gobierno. Crazy Horse nació el 4 de diciembre de 1849 y poco se sabe de su vida personal. No obstante, es una figura histórica de los nativos americanos muy conocida que hoy se conmemora con un monumento masivo. Es decir, una…

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Entre los miles de hombres que participaron en el campo de batalla de Waterloo, murió, sin ser reconocido ni celebrado. Pero casi 200 años después, los arqueólogos han encontrado los restos del soldado, con la mᴜѕket Ьаɩɩ que lo derribó todavía entre las costillas. Los historiadores creen que pertenece a uno de los regimientos británicos del duque de Wellington y describieron el descubrimiento del keɩetop como uno de los mejores hallazgos de la historia. Sorprendente descubrimiento: se cree que el boceto casi completo, encontrado en tierra que los británicos sostuvieron, es un soldado de 20 años de uno de los…

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Las ruinas sumergidas del antiguo sitio neolítico de Atlit Yam se pueden encontrar en el mar Mediterráneo, no muy lejos de la costa del pueblo israelí de Atlit, que se encuentra cerca de la ciudad de Haifa. El fondo marino arenoso ha hecho un buen trabajo preservando el antiguo asentamiento del séptimo milenio antes de Cristo que un misterioso círculo de piedra sigue en pie como cuando se erigió por primera vez, y docenas de esqueletos humanos permanecen intactos en sus tumbas. El asentamiento se remonta a la época anterior a la era común. Es uno de los asentamientos hundidos más grandes y…

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Few countries in the world are as varied in topography and natural landscapes as Australia. From the rugged outback desert of Western Australia to the sumptuously green Great Barrier Reef to the world class beaches of Sydney, there’s little left to imagination as Australia seduces tourists with its untamed variety. When you’re not enjoying the region’s indigenous wildlife at a lush national park, you’re probably beach bumming on a swanky, cosmopolitan beach or dining at one of Melbourne’s specialty restaurants. Though there’s never a dearth of experiences in Australia, here are our carefully handpicked 8 must do Australia attractions. 1.…

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The world is filled with innumerable intriguing and fascinating places that satiate your appetite for unique experiences. How does one choose the perfect destination for a vacation when there are so many attractive options available? Picking the perfect vacation destination can be a challenge. Some places are known for their culture, while others are famous for their food, while still others are known for their shopping and adventure activities. Here’s a list of some of the world’s best vacation destinations that ought to be on your bucket list. 1. London, United Kingdom London not just boasts of plenty of character…

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