The perseverance and joy of living of the two-legged dog have impressed millions of people.

Don’t wait for external circumstances to change, instead, change yourself. Duncan is a small dog born in Colorado, USA. At birth, Duncan had a congenital defect where his two hind…

The lesson of perseverance from the small dog scalded by its owner with boiling water.

This dog was punished in an extremely cruel way just because it accidentally bit its owner’s phone. This small puppy, not even two months old, gnawed on its…

The dog using its paws to push the wheelchair up the hill for its owner is an extraordinary and admirable act of loyalty from a ‘man’s best friend

Recently, a picture of a dog using its front paws to push a wheelchair up a hill for its owner has gone viral on social media, receiving a…

Rescuing 31 dogs from a slaughterhouse and the story of indebtedness of kindness.

Entering the slaughterhouse, Khôi was shocked to see exhausted dogs lying next to the slaughter tools. Many tearful eyes made his heart ache. He decided to spend a…

Rescue of a small dog buried alive halfway, but still persistently barking for help

Last week, workers near the town of Suwałki in Poland heard something that caught their attention. Following the faint sound, they discovered a small dog barking non-stop for help under…

The survival resilience of the two-legged dog.

Putol – a pitiful dog with disabilities but extraordinary resilience. Fortunately, he met a kind-hearted owner, and now Putol has a happy and joyful life with the person…