Author: T3107

The extremely well-camouflaged mata mata turtle dresses like a piece of bark with spiky ridged scales, and sucks in prey by creating a vacuum. And it appears to be always smiling. With its disproportionately large head and elongated thick neck, the mata mata looks a bit odd, but always smiles nevertheless. Image credit: Per Se One of the largest freshwater turtles (their shell can grow to nearly 45 centimeters or 1.5 feet, and weigh about 17 kilograms or 38 pounds), the mata mata is a rather strange-looking animal, at least by human standards. It has a disproportionately large head and…

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Twins used to cuddle together like newborns while still inside their mother. The newborn twins can’t stop cuddling up to one another. And it seems so cute to watch. Having twins is awesome. I hold a geпtle with eyes closed, the twins are enjoying their first bath. These fascinating photos quickly became a social media hit, published on a social media piece by a midwife from Paris. A nurse posted a sweet video of twin newborns washing using a method that she created to mimic being in the womb on YouTube. They were born, but they may not know it…

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On her forehead, young Vienna Brookshaw was born on April 6 with a congenital big melanocytic mole, a rare type of mole that contains a significant buildup of benign pigment cells. little. With their infant, Daniel Brookshaw and Celine Casey, 24, were taken to Leeds St James University Hospital in Leeds, West Yorkshire, where they claim surgeons gave counterarguments. If their kid has to deal with vicious bullies throughout her youth and even runs the risk of getting the disease, Celine worries that one day she would wonder “why didn’t she do something.” It is believed that the malignancy from…

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This newborn, aptly dubbed Werewolf, is the newest member of the family and was born hairy from head to toe. The baby, who is 22 days old, receives a rare gene from her family, which causes a condition called Werewolf Syndrome. Her mother, Savita Sambhaji Raut, 26, said she feared for her daughter’s future after inheriting a medical condition but accepted her fate. I don’t know if the hair on her body can fall off in the future, I’m just afraid that she will be stigmatized and hurt when she grows up. And for me it doesn’t matter what a…

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Bence’s birth in a hospital in Szekesfehervar, Hungary, left his parents with headaches and the medical staff perplexed. His hair was snow-white when he was born. S, a disorder that prevents the body from producing melanin, first alarmed medical professionals. Because there isn’t enough melanin, s can be s to some extent. The majority of Western pregnant women may now view incredible 3D photographs of their offspring when they are still infants thanks to modern technological breakthroughs. There is minimal reason to worry about how your child will feel and look because of these beautiful newborns. However, the doctors were…

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When Beth and Rick Hutchinson welcomed their son into the world on 5 June 2020 – several months ahead of schedule – he was so small that he could fit into the palm of one of their hands.  Weighing a mere 340 g (11.9 oz) – about the same as a can of soup, or one-tenth of the average weight for a full-term newborn – the initial prognosis for Richard Scott William Hutchinson was far from optimistic. Doctors thought it was their duty to warn the boy’s parents of the worst case scenario when he was originally admitted to the…

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This giant living fossil is definitely not your average salamander. The length of the giant Chinese salamander can reach almost 2 meters (6 ft). Image credit: Petr Hamerník The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is one of the largest and most unique species of salamanders in the world. Native to central and eastern China, this species can grow up to 1.8 meters (almost 6 ft) in length and weigh almost 60 kg (130 lb), making it the largest extant amphibian on the planet. Historically, Chinese giant salamanders were believed to be a single species, but recent research differentiated three distinct…

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Social media users were left amazed after a “Spanish dancer”, an enigmatic sea creature, was sighted on a beach in Australia. The Spanish dancer was spotted at Coral Bay, Western Australia. Image credit: Adigaz/Instagram Instagram user Adigaz captured the attention of the online community after sharing an incredible encounter with a “Spanish dancer” sea slug while walking along Coral Bay on the West Australian coast. According to the poster, the animal was carried in by the tide at the beach. Its mesmerizing pattern and colors left social media users awestruck. But what exactly is this vibrant blob? The interesting-looking animal…

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A Scorpion found in an unidentified mine in Southern Arizona has turned into copper over time. Or was the process quicker? Let’s find out. A scorpion turned into copper. Image credit: Bill Yedowitz This incredible copper scorpion was on display at the 2019 Tucson Gem And Mineral Show and a photo was published on the AZ MMNRE Museum Twitter page. But how can a scorpion turn into copper? According to Tulane University, the phenomenon is known as encrustation pseudomorphism and happens as follows: “…a thin crust of a new mineral forms on the surface of a preexisting mineral, then the preexisting…

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Se han hallado cuatro antiguos enterramientos en un cementerio preincaico recientemente descubierto en el yacimiento arqueológico de Huaca Pucllana, situado en el barrio residencial de Miraflores, en la ciudad de Lima, capital de Perú. Los arqueólogos han señalado que la localización de estos restos humanos y del ajuar funerario con el que fueron enterrados sugiere que pertenecían a la clase alta de la cultura Ichma. Respecto a la naturaleza de estos enterramientos, la arqueóloga Isabel Flores, que lleva investigando el yacimiento 35 años y es la directora del programa de Huaca Pucllana, ha declarado a  que “Hay cuatro enterramientos de individuos…

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Trabajadores colocando tuberías para la compañía de gas Calidda en Chilca, que se encuentra a 37 millas (60 km) al sur de Lima, Perú, descubrieron recientemente los restos de ocho personas enterradas juntas en una tumba común de la cultura Chilca hace 800 años. Se encontraron enterrados con ellos ajuares exóticos para llevar al más allá, incluidos instrumentos musicales, comida y bolsas con hojas de coca (la base estimulante natural de la cocaína). La tumba de la cultura Chilca no fue el primer hallazgo de Calidda Esta no es la primera vez que los trabajadores de Calidda, que ha estado…

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Dos tumbas bávaras desenterradas durante las excavaciones en la ciudad de Deiningen, en el sur de Alemania, han generado un interés excepcional entre los arqueólogos. Las dos tumbas estaban en excelentes condiciones cuando se encontraron y ambas contenían un artefacto extremadamente inusual. Una de las tumbas contenía un peine de marfil tallado. En el otro, se identificó un cuenco de cerámica roja de la antigua Túnez. Archaeology News Network cita a la Oficina Estatal de Baviera para la Preservación de Monumentos (BLfD), diciendo que al norte de los Alpes estos dos hallazgos no tienen precedentes. El raro peine de marfil Las inusuales…

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Bang in the middle of concrete city jungles, these places offer tranquility and serene moments for city dwellers and visitors. These lush green patches sitting alongside state prettily besides urban development and state of the art infrastructure is a sight to behold! Visitors can explore among other things, long winded paths, lush open meadows, ponds and other striking features. These parks make for a perfect place to enjoy some respite from the city chaos. From Canada’s wilderness to wooded sea strewn paths to vibrant architecture, there’s nothing these parks don’t feature. Here’s our pick of the world’s most beautiful urban…

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1 Are you a daredevil? Enjoy exciting vacations? Check out the 15 coolest zip-lines in the world. MistRider Zipline, Canada Get a bird’s eye view of the roaring Niagara Falls. Experience this truly precarious zip-line adventure across 670 meters (2198.16+ feet) of the incredible gorge, traveling as fast as 70 kilometers per hour (43+ m.p.h.). You’ll think you are soaring over the very edge of the planet as you dangle 67 meters (219+ feet above the powerful, rushing waters. Back 2.Jungle Surfing Canopy Tours, Australia Travel to Queensland where you can experience the various ecosystems in the well-known Daintree’s Jurassic…

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Today $100,000 is said to be the “minimum” amount required to truly be “middle-class” in the USA. But what would happen if you took your $100,000 and moves to another country? There are some countries where you’d be considered wealthy if you had that amount of cash. Here’s a list of what that kind of money can get you in 20 other spots across the world. 20. Nicaragua A source with Numbeo reports that Nicaragua is a good place to be. A good quart of milk will cost you less than one dollar. You can purchase a train ticket for…

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The parents were thrilled to finally see their newborn daughter, but they were shocked to learn following the cesarean section birth that their child’s mouth was not developing “naturally.” The corners of Ayla Summer Mucha’s lips did not fully fuse during pregnancy due to a rare bilateral Macrostomia disease, and she will likely have birth abnormalities in the future. The mouth corners of Ayla Summer Mucha, who was born in December 2021, did not stick together during pregnancy due to bilateral stomata. There have only been 14 examples of the ailment reported worldwide. As their daughter may not be able…

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Viral images of touching Red Sea birth actually showed family bathing days-old baby with its umbilical cord still attached in the Egyptian waters for health benefits. The father has claimed that incredible photographs purporting to show the moment a Russian woman gave birth in Egypt’s Red Sea actually show the baby being bathed in the water several days after delivery. Because of the alleged health benefits, the baby girl’s Russian mother and Serbian father chose to wash her in the water with the umbilical cord and placenta still connected. Onlookers in Dahab’s resort town caught a glimpse of a father…

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On her Instagram profile, where she has 305 thousand followers, Michella has actively chronicled her pregnant experience. But her social media photos displaying an unusual bump were what had the internet’s users in awe. One of the videos with more than 3.2 million views features Michelle flaunting her oddly formed bump. She became well-known all around the world after the video went viral on social media. The labor pains came and went, making her feel tired and exhausted. After many efforts, but she was not strong enough, and the doctors decided to appoint her to have a caesarean section before…

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The births of Kortney and Justin Miller’s children occurred a few weeks sooner than anticipated. Infertility is frequently to blame when you read touching tales of couples overcoming significant obstacles to become parents. As quadruplets, Kortey and Justin Miller, a young couple in their 20s, perceive it to be more than simply a game. What odds are you prepared for? I don’t believe you are prepared. Without VIF or infertility therapy, the likelihood of conceiving quadruplets is 1 in 700,000. The Miller quad was even more extraordinary, as if that weren’t unusual enough already. Four distinct sacs and the placenta…

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This 705lb (320kg) liger called Apollo, one of the world’s first white ligers, has been compared to a prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger – and with a reason. Image credit: The Real Tarzan/Kody Antle Apollo is the hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger – hence the name liger. Ligers are distinct from tigons – who are born to a female lion and a male tiger – inasmuch as that they tend to grow much bigger than either parent species. So much bigger that the largest cats in the world are all ligers. The history of lion-tiger hybrids dates…

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She is believed to be the first polka-dotted zebra ever discovered in the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Image credit: MMWCA When talking of zebras, we usually have animals with black and white stripes on mind. But in Kenya’s Maasai Mara, an exceptional brown foal with white spots on a brown background was spotted recently by a trekking guide and subsequently captured by several photographers. The unique coloring of the animal, named Tira after its discoverer, is due to a genetic mutation. According to a statement from the Maasai Mara National Reserve, a similar specimen was found a few years ago,…

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When Regan Daniels from North Carolina uploaded a few pictures of a fungus that looked like a dead man’s toes to the Facebook group Mushroomcore, her snaps instantly went viral, and it’s easy to see why. Ouch, look at that! Image credits: Regan Daniels Take a closer look… Image credits: Regan Daniels Naturally, a few people immediately cried ‘fake’, but Daniels reassured people it wasn’t the case. And, well, looking at the shrooms from another angle that shows them growing upwards, we can safely say she shouldn’t be discredited. Image credits: Regan Daniels Dead Man’s Fingers (Xylaria polymorpha) mushrooms are actually pretty common…

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Las ‘muñecas’ de los enterramientos Chancay constituyen un tipo de ajuar funerario típico de la cultura del mismo nombre, una civilización precolombina que habitaba en lo que hoy es Perú. Esta civilización ocupaba principalmente los valles de Chancay y del Chillón, situados en la costa central peruana. La cultura Chancay existió desde los años 1000 – 1200 hasta el 1450 aproximadamente. Según la información etnohistórica de la que disponemos, los Chimú, otra civilización precolombina, conquistaron parte del territorio Chancay situado más al sur. No obstante, en torno al 1450, tanto los Chancay como los Chimú fueron derrotados y asimilados por…

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Los arqueólogos que están excavando un yacimiento prehispánico de la región peruana de Lambayeque han desenterrado recientemente un conjunto de 17 antiguas tumbas. En ellas han hallado restos tanto de adultos como de niños, y algunos de estos últimos muestran señales de un posible sacrificio ritual. Fox News Latino ha informado de que las tumbas fueron desenterradas durante los trabajos de excavaciones realizados en el pasado mes de julio de este mismo año, y han sido datadas entre los siglos XV y XVI. Los restos óseos han sido descubiertos en los alrededores de las ruinas de la Huaca Chornancap del yacimiento…

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