Author: t1205

Greek sailor Polycarp Spentzas, a radio operator aboard the Pothiti SWJC, had a strange and unforgettable Bermuda Triangle UFO Encounter experience in 1978. In the infamous Bermuda Triangle, no less. But he certainly wasn’t the only person to observe these strange Bermuda Triangle UFO occurrences in recent decades. Over the years, there has been a multitude of strange, unexplained, and disturbing occurrences in that famous area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south, and Miami Florida in the west – including the disappearance in 1945 of the famous squadron of US Avenger aircraft, Flight 19, and a subsequent…

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The Badajoz UFO incident is one of the weirdest UFO incidents in Spanish history, as it is connected to the air force of the country. The episode became known as the “Green Man of Talavera la Real” after two Spanish soldiers, José Mara Trejo and Juan Carrizosa Luján, reported to have seen and shot an unidentified creature. On November 12, 1976, at approximately 1:45 p.m. local time, José Maria Trejo and Juan Carrizosa were on duty (each in their own booth approximately 60 meters apart) in the Talavera la Real airbase’s so-called fuel zone (Badajoz, Spain). They were suddenly startled by a strange…

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A US Navy warship was stalked by two car-sized UFOs balls of light that were unaffected by anti-drone weapons. Illustrative image. The USS Kearsarge is the latest ship to have had an encounter with what is now called UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). According to documentary filmmaker Dave C. Beaty—who produced the 2019 film The Nimitz Encounters about the famous 2004 incident with the “Tic Tac” object—this latest sighting was reported just a few months ago, in October 2021. At least two objects are said to have lurked near the 40,500-tonne amphibious assault ship for several nights as it conducted a training exercise off…

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In the field of Ufology, Flying Triangles are one of the more interesting mysteries. They are huge, triangular, and nearly always black in colour. The Stealth Fighters and Bombers of the late 1980s were almost similar to them. It is believed by many ufologists and aircraft experts that these Flying Triangles are built by humans and not aliens because of their striking resemblance to our stealth planes. Moreover, several experts believe that they could be locked away in places like Area 51. Still, there is an additional factor that many individuals have missed out on, or they may not be…

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In 1951, a series of unexplained UFO sightings happened in Texas on a number of different evenings, which were reported by a large number of people. Project Grudge studied the intriguing incident. The incident is popularly known as the Lubbock Lights UFO incident. The most famous of a renowned and controversial sequence of sightings of strange airborne phenomena occurred about 9:10 p.m. on August 25, 1951, in a backyard in Lubbock, Texas. Three Texas Technical College professors were the watchers, and their discussion on micrometeorites was abruptly cut short by the arrival of a fast-moving, semicircular formation of 20 to…

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Countless stories of the Bermuda triangle surface on the internet and each story encompasses mysterious circumstances. Several ships and aircrafts carrying passengers vanished into thin air and were never to be found again. The ships remained untraceable and in a few cases, the disappeared objects are discovered from far away places leaving no passengers as if the ships were suddenly flowing after a long time to immerse into the deep sea. Other than Bermuda Triangle, there are several other mysterious places in the world that have gained a reputation due to the strange phenomenon occurring in and around such places.…

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If we ever detect an Extraterrestrial Civilization (ETC) and start communicating with them, the messages could take years, decades, or even centuries to travel back and forth. We face a challenging 49-minute long delay just communicating with the Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter, and that’s well within our Solar System. Communicating with an ETC that’s hundreds of light-years away or even further is a daunting task. It’s even worse if we’re sending probes. Imagine if a robotic probe arrived in our Solar System, sent by an ETC. They detected us and sent their probe to introduce themselves and learn more about…

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Despite everything astronomers have learned about the nature and structure of galaxies, there are still mysteries about the Milky Way. The reason for this is simple: since we are embedded in the Milky Way’s disk, we have difficulty mapping it and observing it as a whole. It’s also very challenging to observe the center of the galaxy, what lies beyond it, and features in the disk itself because of all the gas and dust between stars- the Interstellar Medium (ISM). However, by observing the Milky Way in the non-visible spectrum (radio, x-ray, gamma-ray, etc.), astronomers can see more of what’s…

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The James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful telescope ever launched into space. That power has led to a string of observational successes: ancient galaxies, obscured star-forming regions, and an exoplanet atmosphere. Now the telescope has identified its first exoplanet, and it’s a rocky planet the same size as Earth. The planet is named LHS 475b, and it’s about 41 light-years away. NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) first found indications that the planet was there, but those were only hints. Now the JWST has confirmed it. The research team that found LHS 475b is led by Kevin Stevenson…

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Clusters of galaxies do not appear in an instant. Instead they gradually form through the accumulation of many galaxies. But when galaxies fall in they don’t just stop moving. Instead, they keep moving around. These are called backsplash galaxies, and astronomers are using them to help understand the formation history of their home clusters. Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. They slowly emerge over the course of billions of years by gravitationally attracting any nearby galaxies (plus plenty of other matter). Those galaxies then fall into the cluster, but due to their incredible speeds…

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Cradling the baby she never knew was growing inside her, 13-year-old Charlotte Maddox still cannot believe she is a mum. For months after sleeping with a boy of 15, she dismissed fleeting ᴘᴀɪɴs as a tummy bug and thought she was “a bit podgy” because of overeating. Her parents noticed nothing unusual. Then, two weeks ago, racked in ᴘᴀɪɴ, Charlotte went into labor with baby Sophie, and at last the astonishing truth dawned. She said, “I was screaming in ᴘᴀɪɴ and shouting, ‘I’ve got to push something, it’s coming! That was the first time I realized I was pregnant and…

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For childbirth, the mother from England contacted the photographer. When she first saw her daughter’s face, the woman realized that the girl foresaw the approach of global problems. Her displeased expression is a prophecy that has come true. Stacey Leeming, from Preston, England, is a 33-year-old mother of three who was expecting her fourth child in 2018. This time, the woman knew that she would no longer want to have children, so she decided to make the last birth perfect. At the hospital, Stacey created a pleasant environment for herself by playing Lana Del Rey songs in the background. The…

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