Author: Bevis

Tiny glass frogs can transform into transparent at night by concealing about 90% of their red blood cells. According to a study published Thursday in the journal Science, the colored patches are hidden away inside the frog’s liver, which can conceal the cells. During the day, these little frogs might be found hanging beneath tree leaves. Their green-colored shapes don’t create shadows at that point, making them mostly undetectable to potential predators. However, once they wake up, the frogs look more reddish-brown in tone. ‘When they’re transparent, it’s for their safety,’  said Junjie Yao, a Duke University biomedical engineer and…

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Durante un picnic, un grupo de personas en los EE. UU. Capturó el momento en que un águila estaba peleando con una serpiente de cascabel gigante. Inicialmente, la serpiente de cascabel se resistió ferozmente. Sin embargo, con sus afiladas garras y su pico, el gran pájaro derrotó fácilmente al oponente. Después de eso, el águila espera a que la presa muera por completo y luego desgarra el cadáver de la serpiente para hacer comida. Como el águila devoradora de serpientes más grande, el águila serpiente marrón pesa 2,4 kg y tiene una envergadura de hasta 1,6 m. “A menudo devoran a sus…

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While on a picnic, a group of people in the US captured the moment an eagle was fighting with a giant rattlesnake. Initially, the rattlesnake resisted fiercely. However, with its sharp claws and beak, the large bird easily defeated the opponent. After that, the eagle waits for the prey to die completely and then tore the snake’s carcass to make food. As the largest snake-eating eagle, the brown snake eagle weighs 2.4 kg and has a wingspan of up to 1.6 m. “They often devour their prey, and some reports suggest that they eat even the most venomous snakes like…

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The NBA has already fined and suspended Draymond Green. Green received a $25,000 punishment earlier this season for arguing with a supporter during a game against the Dallas Mavericks. Throughout his career, he has received fines numerous times for complaining about the officials. Green has accrued more than $1 million in fines throughout the course of his NBA career. During Game 5 of the 2016 NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers, he was infamously suspended. The accumulation of flagrant fouls by Green led to the suspension. And now it’s probable that he may soon be subject to another suspension. Draymond…

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Amazing scenes showed the two-headed beast hoisting the mud-caked portion of its head after becoming stuck. When this zebra fσal fell intσ a mud ρit its wσuld-be saʋiσuг came in the unliƙely shaρe σf a twσ-tσnne гhinσ. The giant beast sρσtted the baby zebra being stucƙ in the mud and attemρted tσ lift the haρless cгeatuгe with its hσгn. Sσuth Afгican guide Rσel ʋan Muiden was shσwing ʋisitσгs aгσund the Madiƙwe Game Reseгʋe when he saw the incгedible scene. “This was an amazing inteгactiσn between twσ sρecies and σne that I was lucƙy tσ see,” he said. “Uρσn aггiʋing at…

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After asserting that the Memphis Grizzlies would feel at ease competing in the Western Conference playoffs this year, Ja Morant has generated a lot of buzz recently. The gifted point player has always exuded great confidence, but occasionally he goes overboard. Love him or hate him, Ja will always speak his truth no matter who gets offended by it. When he was asked about what team would be a challenge for him and his Memphis Grizzlies, the 2022 Most Improved Player said that only the Boston Celtics would be a tough rival to beat on their way to the championship. After being…

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A crew member of the expedition ship E/V Nautilus, which is looking for brand-new discoveries in uncharted ocean areas, asks, “What are yo?” “It’s like a bloated sqυid with tiny tentacles and a little hat that’s waving aroυnd,” he adds. “I’ve never seen anything that looks like this before.” A reмotely operated υnderwater vehicle (ROV) captυred the creatυre in all its glory at a depth of 1,385 мeters (4,500 feet) below the sυrface near the Palмyra Atoll in the central Pacific Ocean. Marine scientists later confirмed the enigмatic beaυty as a piglet sqυid (Helicocranchia sp.), so naмed for its rotυnd…

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On December 14, Steph Curry suffered an injury during a game the Golden State Warriors lost to the Indiana Pacers. No one cared about the outcome because, well, Steph Curry was hurt. We didn’t know the extent of the injury, but we did know that Curry would likely be out for at least a few weeks. Here’s a small sample platter of some of the comments made on this site in the days following the injury: We don’t have a cushion. The play-in spot is in serious jeopardy if he misses significant time If Curry is out, the Warriors are…

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Un fotógrafo anónimo captó la escena, que muestra a los dos en medio de una batalla en el Parque Nacional Everglades en Homestead. La pitón birmana fue capturada tratando de estrangular al cocodrilo, no lejos de una carretera asfaltada con gente caminando por ella. Cuando el fotógrafo descubrió esta pelea, la pitón ya estaba metiendo la cabeza del cocodrilo en su boca.La cama de cocodrilo parecía incapaz de defenderse, porque en ese momento la pitón estaba fuertemente envuelta alrededor del cocodrilo. Al mismo tiempo, la serpiente logró dar vueltas alrededor del grueso vientre del cocodrilo e hizo todo lo posible…

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An unnamed photographer caught the scene, which shows the two in the midst of battle at the Everglades National Park in Homestead. The Burmese python was captured trying to strangle the crocodile, not far from an asphalt road with people walking down it. When the photographer discovered this fight, the python was already cramming the crocodile’s head into its mouth. The crocodile bed seemed to be unable to fight back, because at this time the python was tightly wrapped around the crocodile. At the same time, the snake managed to circle around the crocodile’s thick belly and try its best…

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A goat with eight legs was born on a farm in the northeast of Croatia. Zoran Paparic’s goat Sarka gave birth to the kid which also has both male and female reproductive organs at his farm in Kutjevo. Local veterinarians told Mr Paparic that the young goat’s additional legs were caused by an undeveloped twin sibling. Mr Paparic claims he thought he was seeing things when he realized Sarka had given birth to the disfigured child among two healthy newborn goats. ‘I counted his legs and I thought I was seeing things. Then I called my neighbour to make sure…

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Over the years, soccer stars have had some of the most amazing tattoos. Soccer is more than just a game these days. It is perhaps the most popular sport globally and has fans from all corners of the world. Soccer players, as a result, are high-profile celebrities with huge fan followings and their lifestyle choices generate massive interest. Their hairstyles, accessories, automobiles and clothing choices are scrutinised. Another aspect that is often in the spotlights are players’ tattoos. Many current and former soccer stars have stunning tattoos on their body, from Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Lionel Messi to Memphis Depay and…

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