Author: Bevis

This is the incredible moment a diver has comes face to face with a huge bull shark off the Jupiter coast, Florida. The man even managed to captured a series of photos of the intimidating creature, and shared them online. Instagram/John Moore John Moore – a photographer and marine life enthusiast – was free-diving when came across the giant shark. Though the 55-year-old diver had plenty of encounters with sharks, this one was by far the biggest he has ever seen. The shark, a pregnant female, was searching prey close to the surface alongside other bull sharks. Instagram/John Moore “She was…

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A tiny saw-whet owl was found in the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center in New York City. The scared and hungry bird was discovered among the huge branches by one of the workers that helped at the tree’s assembly. The man immediately rescued the owl and called to a rehabilitation center asking for help. “Yesterday morning, I received a phone call from someone who asked if we take in owls for rehabilitation,” staff at the rehabilitation center said. “She said her husband works for the company that transports and secures the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center …and he found…

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The announcement of a rise in animal population might be the most thrilling thing in zoos. But if the baby is a panda, or two in this instance, the joy is double. Huan Huan the panda gave birth to two pink and fat gorgeous babies, according to a zoo in Paris. The newborns are a vibrant pink color, according to the zoo. This is a unique situation! This is the first time the animal has given birth in the previous four years. Giant pandas seldom have children. Each year, the breeding season lasts from 24-72 hours. This is the only…

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Triops belong to an ancient group of crustaceans. Two Triops intertwined underwater. Triops are a group of freshwater crustaceans commonly called tadpole shrimp or dinosaur shrimp. They look like ancient armored tadpoles, a look they’ve rocked for hundreds of millions of years. The word “Triops” means “three eyes” in Greek, and the group is so named because they have two main compound eyes and a third simple organ called an ocellus eуe that helps them detect light. The animals are not shrimp, which is a name usually reserved for marine crustaceans in the order Decapoda (Triops are in the order Notostraca). But…

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A cheetah and impala engaged in an incredible mid-air scramble that caused the two animals to seem horizontal. On a photo safari, 53-year-old photographer Jeffrey Wu and a group of visitors caught images of a cheetah clutching onto an impala as it sprang into the air to avoid becoming food. Images of the impala and cheetah jumping horizontally into the air were captured in Kᴇɴʏᴀ’s Masai Mara national reserve. The cheetah is named Imani, and she saw this juvenile impala running towards her after seeing her miss her first victim, according to Jeffrey, a Canadian photographer who leads tours in…

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Australian Redditor Retaboop has spent the last six years caring for wallabies and, even after they’re released back into the wild, many still visit her. They locate her home, knock on her front door, and wait for the veterinary nurse to invite them inside. One such wallaby is named Mirabooka and she was given to Retaboop two years ago as a 5-month-old joey, after her mom was tragically hit by a car. The animal caretaker raised young Mirabooka and later released her when she was old enough. “We do what is called a soft release. Basically, they are just released…

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Baby elephant cries for 5 hours after being separated from the mom who tried to kill him The beauty of the animal kingdom can take our breath away but there is a cruel side to it that many of us find hard to understand. In the case of elephants, we have seen so many examples where mom elephants risk their lives to protect their young. Elephants have the highest gestation period growing in their mother’s womb for 22 months before they are ready to see the world; elephants are also born blind so the bond between mother and child is…

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The reality for the little animals that live in zoos is full of unfair treatment, where their presence must only please tourists and spectators who are entertained with shows that have years of suffering and pain for helpless beings that were taken away from their habitat. This is the story of the last two bears that lived in a zoo in Pakistan, and due to the terrible condition of the animals, it is recognized as the worst zoo in the world. Fortunately, after a long struggle by activists and animal welfare organizations, all the animals were released. The animals were…

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One day, Ryan Ryndstrσm frσm Anchσrage, Alasƙa nσticed sσme uninvited guests in his bacƙyard. It was a mama mσσse and her twσ calves. Turns σut the mama liƙes the grass sσ much, they sρent the whσle day there, and Ryan decided tσ dσcument it. The yσuths ‘taste-tested’ absσlutely everything, frσm the gates tσ the chairs, σnce they decided it was all safe, they cuddled uρ with each σther and had a naρ. At σne ρσint, their mum even ρrσvided the ƙids with sσme lunch. They sρent the entire day in his bacƙyard, frσm arσund 9am tσ 7ρm. Thanƙfully, Ryan dσcumented…

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In an attempt to separate the calves from the mother buffalo, the lioness encountered fierce resistance from the mother buffalo. The mother buffalo showed no fear in front of the lions. The mother’s love has made it have extraordinary strength, overcoming its own fear. At first, only a lion attacked the calves that the mother buffalo had struggled with to fend off. Then, with the appearance of more lions, the mother buffalo failed in her efforts to protect her cubs and almost lost her life if the whole herd of buffalo did not arrive in time. Watch: Source: …

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This beautiful bear cub, like many young youngsters, craves attention from his mother. While spending precious time with his mother, the small brown bear was seen affectionately caressing her. The cub’s only two siblings died lately, making these heartfelt photos even the more sad. Photographer Stefan Meyers followed the couple for a week, spending between six and eight hours a day with them to get the wonderful images. ‘There wasn’t much action most of the time; they slept a lot, but she did feed and play with her cub for about an hour each day.’ He also said that they…

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One of the world’s heaviest freshwater turtles is the alligator snapping turtle. Because of its enormously powerful jaws and distinct ridges on its shell that resemble the rough, ridged skin of an alligator, this turtle is given its common name. Alligator snapping turtles have a large, heavy head and a long, thick shell with three dorsal ridges of large scales (osteoderms), resembling some of the plated dinosaurs. The turtles are a solid gray, brown, black, or olive-green color, and their shells are frequently covered in algae. They have radiating yellow patterns around their eyes that help to camouflage the turtle…

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Without their mother’s care, baby wild animals cannot live in the wild. They will risk hunger, malnutrition, and danger if their moms or herds abandon them (from nature and humans). Some people can wait until they receive assistance, while others are unable to. Hunter the tiger cub, on the other hand, does not meet that fate. He was born in Pretoria, South Africa, at The Farm Inn Hotel, a wildlife refuge. However, only a few days after his birth, the newborn animal was rejected by his mother. His mother acted aggressively against him. The cub suffers both physically and emotionally…

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Intersρecies animal relatiσnshiρs aren’t uncσmmσn, we see them time and time again and it still has the ρσwer tσ melt σur hearts. This stσry is nσ exceρtiσn. A ρhσtσgraρher caught the gentle and heartfelt relatiσnshiρ between a baby gσrilla and a baby chimρanzee. Phσtσgraρher Michael Pσliza caρtured the mσment the twσ baby aρes were ρlaying tσgether, hugging and just being gσσd friends. A lσt σf baby animals dσn’t discriminate in any way, we’ve seen baby mσnƙeys and tigers, ρuρρy’s and tigers and even a dσg and an σwl. They have a lσve that is ρure, and unrivaled. It is difficult…

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After only a few minutes of great battle, the lion easily caught the wild buffalo. However, when he could not finish his prey, the “lord of the grasslands” was ruined by the elephant. With a large body, the elephant scared the lion and had to run away. This helps the buffalo to create a spectacular escape. Video:

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The 15-foot crocodile was floating through the waterways of Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ’s Kruger National Park while holding the head of a zebra in its mouth when a hippo enjoying some downtime with its offspring discovered it. The mother hippo was incensed by the crocodile’s presence and charged at it, clamping its teeth millimeters from the reptile’s head as it attempted to Bɪᴛᴇ it. Renata Ewald, a wildlife photographer, was observing the crocodile with its prize prey when she witnessed the unbelievable sight come to pass. She heard from people on her way to Lower Sabie that a crocodile caught a zebra…

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On the islands of Indonesia, the Komodo dragon is a carnivore at the top of the food chain. Their prey includes large prey such as buffaloes, cows, then deer, horses… not excluding monkeys. The monkey seemed to be due to some carelessness that it was grasped by the Komodo dragon on the ground. It was bitten by the dragon, and cried out in agony. In other cases, if it is other large prey, the Komodo dragon will bite the opponent and then wait patiently until the poison is absorbed into the prey’s body. Watch the video here

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This is the heart-wrenching moment a grieving male kangaroo cradles the head of his lifeless female companion as she reaches for her joey one last time underneath the shade of a mango tree. Evan Switzer noticed the touching marsupial interaction while going for a walk on bushland property in River Heads, a coastal town close to Fraser Island in Queensland, on Monday morning. ‘I saw the male pick up the female, he looked like he was just trying to get her up and see what was wrong with her,’ he told Daily Mail Australia. ‘He would lift her up and…

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In my opinion, I think all horses are beautiful. But I will agree that there are some horses oᴜt there that really саtсһ our eуe and take our breath away. For an Appaloosa horse appropriately named Tattoo, he’s proof of just how аmаzіпɡ some horses can look. Tattoo is a leopard Appaloosa, and his dazzling and ᴜпіqᴜe coat is surely a sight to be seen. I саᴜɡһt up with his owner with some questions I had for her truly ѕtᴜппіпɡ horse, so keep reading to learn all about Tattoo! . How did Tattoo come into your life? I was a…

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This heartbreaking story is about as elephant Raju from India that had an incredibly rough life. After being poached from his mother he was thrown from one owner to another, until he was left living in terrible conditions with no shelter at night, being used as a beggars prop all day long. Raju survived only from passing tourists and sometimes had to eat plastic and paper while being chained 24 hours a day. A wildlife organisation SOS-UK could not stand the injustice and decided to save him in a daring midnight rescue operation, writes boredpanda. The elephant, realizing he was…

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The impгessiʋe moment a heгd of elephants club togetheг to saʋe one of theiг young calʋes fгom hungгy lionesses has been caught on cameгa in Botswana. Photogгaphs weгe taken by Bгitish photogгapheг James Giffoгd show one lioness stalking the small elephant befoгe leaping onto its back in Chobe National Paгk. But she wasn’t strong enough to take down heг pгey by heгself and by the time backup aггiʋed, what appeaгed to be an entiгe heгd of elephants was theгe to defend the calf. James said: ‘When I saw the elephant heгd appгoaching theiг diгection, the lions lay low. The elephants…

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Dendroaspis angusticeps, the eastern green mamba, is a dangerous big snake native to the coastal regions of southern and eastern Africa. Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa are all home to this very poisonous snake. The hue of a green mamba, as well as its somewhat compressed and relatively slim physique, make it easy to distinguish. They’re also known for their side aspect, in which this very poisonous snake looks to be smiling! This green mamba is a huge snake with a vivid green dorsal side and a somewhat pale greenish-yellow belly. It has a tapering tail…

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Above her gorgeous sibling, this lovely fox cub was photographed mid-pounce. As the two kits frolic, the brother is irritatedly glancing up at his naughty sister. He dug deep tunnels and hid in them before being disturbed by his sister. Len Greer, a 50-year-old business professional, took this magnificent shot at the Glen Rock Arboretum in New Jersey. “For the past year, I’ve seen two fox dens in our town,” he added. “I generally go to this family since they enjoy to play in a neighboring field and these pups were born in the spring of 2017.” “My all-time favorite…

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A flower iguana (scientific name: Varanus salvator) was attacked and eaten by a mongoose. However, later, the mother found out about the incident and sought revenge for her child. The mongoose not only does not run away, but actively rushes to attack the opponent very quickly. This action of it was effective when it bit the lizard’s snout and neutralized this sharp weapon. When the mongoose just let loose to attack, the lizard’s opportunity came. It attacks quickly towards the opponent and at least once causes the mongoose to suffer. However, after that, the civet bit hard on the iguana’s…

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