Author: Bevis

Al ver a las hienas disfrutando de su comida, una leona se apresuró a morder el anzuelo. Sin embargo, su prisa enfureció a las hienas. Inmediatamente, las hienas se apresuraron a perseguir al enemigo para proteger sus logros. Al ver que la leona era ahuyentada humillantemente, un macho corrió rápidamente para confrontarlo. Sabiendo que no había nada que pudieran hacer, las hienas huyeron de inmediato y dejaron atrás a su presa. Aunque no se encarga directamente de la caza, el león macho siempre sabe mostrar su fuerza ante la hembra. Pueden ayudar a la manada a derribar presas grandes como búfalos o repeler a…

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Es uno de los pocos casos de gemelos unidos jamás descubiertos fuera de los humanos. Los científicos quedaron “totalmente asombrados” cuando descubrieron los cadáveres maravillosamente conservados de murciélagos gemelos unidos muertos debajo de un árbol en Brasil. Los murciélagos fueron encontrados debajo de un árbol en Brasil. (Crédito: Marcelo R. Nogueira: Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais) Es solo el tercer caso registrado de murciélagos siameses (Crédito: Nadja L. Pinheiro, de Área de Embriologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro) Es solo la tercera aparición de murciélagos siameses que se ha documentado, y los expertos ahora están analizando sus restos para…

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A pesar de no ser particularmente atractivos, los jabalíes son adorados. Son reconocidos por su apariencia distintiva, así como por la organización de sus rebaños. A pesar de que no interactúan con frecuencia, cavan túneles uno al lado del otro. Hay muchas otras cosas fascinantes que puedes encontrar si disfrutas del aire libre y del entorno natural. El leopardo es una especie diferente que es familiar para los jabalíes. Los leopardos realmente disfrutan cazando jabalíes debido a su tamaño y la calidad superior de su ᴍᴇᴀᴛ. Los guepardos ʜᴜɴᴛ los jabalíes, como un artista que persigue su propio ideal. Este jabalí había sido asesinado…

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Pietro Sedda, internationally renowned tattooist, as well-known on the tattoo scene as he is in the worlds of fashion, art, and interior design, has released a new publishing project: Rosacenere, bringing together in over 200 pages, illustrations, tattoos, and photographs in a visual voyage that recounts the stories of all who have entrusted their skin to his able hands. From the creative inspiration to the physical materiality expressed through tattoo. From the skin to its epilogue through various forms of beauty. We met him in his studio, the Blueroom, in his Milan base, just back from Cabras, in Sardinia, his…

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Despite not being particularly attractive, warthogs are adored. They are recognized for their distinctive appearance as well as the organization of their herds. Despite the fact that they don’t frequently interact, they do dig tunnels next to one another. There are lots of other fascinating things you might find if you enjoy the outdoors and natural surroundings. The leopard is a different species that is familiar to warthogs. Leopards really enjoy ʜᴜɴᴛing warthogs because of their size and the superior quality of their ᴍᴇᴀᴛ. The cheetahs will ʜᴜɴᴛ the warthogs, much like an artist pursuing his own ideal. This warthog…

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It is one of the very few instances of conjoined twins ever discovered outside of humans. Scientists were “totally astounded” when they discovered the wonderfully preserved corpses of dead conjoined twin bats under a tree in Brazil. The bats were found under a tree in Brazil. (Credit: Marcelo R. Nogueira: Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais) It is only the third recorded case of conjoined bats (Credit: Nadja L. Pinheiro, from Área de Embriologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro) It is just the third occurrence of conjoined bats that has been documented, and experts are now analyzing their remains to learn…

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Seeing the hyenas enjoying their meal, a lioness rushed to take the bait. However, its haste angered the hyenas. Immediately, the hyenas rushed to chase the enemy to protect their achievements. Seeing the lioness being humiliatingly chased away, a male quickly rushed over to confront him. Knowing there was nothing they could do, the hyenas immediately ran away and left their prey behind. Although not directly in charge of hunting, the male lion always knows how to show his strength before the female. They can help the herd take down large prey such as buffalo or repel other male lions…

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Anja Kruger was travelling in the Kruger National Park, while on holiday with her family. When driving out of Skukuza towards Tshokwane, there is famous waterhole called Leeupan, which, from Afrikaans, directly translates to “Lion Waterhole”. Quite aptly named, no? As Anja stopped off at the waterhole, she spotted a lioness hiding in the bushes stalking a journey of giraffes. It seemed as if the giraffes spotted the lion, they were all staring right at her. Suddenly!! The lioness charged at the giraffe and targeted one of calves. The sequence of photos that Anja captured of the hunt are absolutely…

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The purple frog (or pig-nosed frog) spends much of its life underground, emerging briefly for a few days each year at the start of the monsoons to breed. The purple frog is one of only two species in the family Nasikabatrachidae. This family is endemic to the Western Ghats of India and has been evolving independently for around 100 million years. Molecular evidence has found the purple frogs to be most closely related to a family of tiny frogs only found on the Seychelles. It is thought the two families shared a common ancestor that was subsequently isolated on different landmasses following the break up…

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Aп eпormoυs sqυid came υp Tυesday (Oct. 1) at La Areпa beach iп the Spaпish mυпicipality of Caпtabria, with oversized eyes aпd a massive blob of a body that makes it appear more legeпdary thaп a geпυiпe beast. Accordiпg to press soυrces, the beast is a specimeп of Architeυthis dυx, the biggest iпvertebrate (aпimals withoυt backboпes) oп Earth, measυriпg 30 feet (9 meters) iп leпgth aпd weighiпg a massive 400 poυпds (180 kilograms). Accordiпg to El Diario Moпtaпes, the hυge sqυid is preseпtly oп display iп the Maritime Mυseυm of Caпtabria. Perhaps by chaпce, aп υпderwater photographer maпaged to be…

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This friendly gorilla is aware that a hug is the best way to express love and gratitude. She made the decision to spend some quality time with the park ranger who risked his life to defend her. Thank goodness, the poignant moment was captured on tape, and the outcome is positively lovely. The lovely scene happened at the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A young gorilla, named Ndazi decided to show her gratitude to her guardian angel, Andre, in the most adorable way possible. Shannon Witz – a Chicago based photographer has witnessed the moment…

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During the sweltering summer days, many individuals can’t fathom their life without a pool. Swimming becomes an absolute need on those hot, humid days. Our canine pal also enjoys swimming in the pool. Once upon a time, a grizzly bear went to cool off in the river. Let me introduce you to Bruiser, a grizzly bear that was rescued. He currently lives in a shelter, where temperatures may regularly reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This is why the fluffy creature enjoys splashing about in the water. He never hesitates to satisfy his heart’s “want”! Despite the fact that the plot is…

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When two German hikers discovered Otzi in the Alps in 1991, he was in such good condition that they mistook him for a recently deceased mountaineer. Tυrпs oυt, he was a 5,300-year-old mυrder victim. Getty ImagesTwo Germaп hikers observe Ötzi iп the glacier where they foυпd him before he coυld be removed. Oп Sept. 19, 1991, two hikers came across a frozeп corpse iп the Αυstro-Italiaп Αlps. They had пo way of kпowiпg at the time jυst how historic their fiпd was — as the corpse was later revealed to be the oldest preserved hυmaп beiпg ever foυпd, пow…

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If ever there was a spider that could be classified as “utterly charming”, it’s the peacock spider — a species of jumping spider so-named for the brightly coloured and patterned abdomens, which they wiggle in an alluring dance to attract a mate. Two new members of this family of spiders have been discovered, and given equally adorable nicknames — Maratus jactatus, nicknamed “Sparklemuffin” for its sparkly muffin of a butt; and Maratus sceletus, nicknamed “Skeletorus” because it looks like it’s put on a skeleton costume to go Halloween trick-or-treating. The spiders both hail from southaest Queensland, Australia, where they were discovered by…

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It’s safe to say that against the Chicago Bulls on Sunday, Klay Thompson wasn’t his team’s issue. The Golden State Warriors star continued his outstanding play from the previous three weeks with 26 points, four rebounds, four assists, and an 8-of-15 shooting performance from beyond the arc. But the Warriors’ propensity for turnovers proved to be more crippling than ever in a 132-118 loss to the Bulls, who were playing without DeMar DeRozan. It wasn’t enough to push the Warriors to victory. The loss moves Golden State to 21-22 overall, including a hideous 4-17 away from Chase Center, tied for…

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No one could ever say no to some quality time spent sitting on a plush sofa while watching their favorite television show. However, if this is your everyday habit, it may be a little much. That’s how this sluggish kangaroo spends his days. Everyone, meet Rufus, the world’s most spoilt joey. Rufus’ life wasn’t always like this when he was over four years old. The kangaroo was rescued at the age of eight months and ended up at the Patch Kangaroo Sanctuary in Boston, South Australia. Fortunately, in Kym Haywood and her husband Neil, the sanctuary’s administrators, he received all…

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On Sunday against the Chicago Bulls, Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors were generally healthy, but that wasn’t enough to help Steve Kerr’s team get over their road difficulties. Once again, the Warriors showcased a disappointing performance on the road as the Bulls obliterated them 132-118. Curry and Klay Thompson combined for 46 points, but their defense allowed Chicago center Nikola Vucevic to explode for 43 points. Zach LaVine was unstoppable as well with his 27 points. After the Warriors blew out the San Antonio Spurs at Alamodome, 144-113, last Friday, hopes were high that Curry and co. would…

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People are calling on the calf to be put to sleep to “put it out of its misery” after bizarre mobile phone footage, thought to have been filmed in Indonesia, emerged A calf born without any front legs has been filmed staggering around on its back legs appearing to walk like a HUMAN BEING. The bizarre footage, thought to have been filmed in Indonesia, shows the calf walking around on its hind legs, making it appear the same height as a small man. It doesn’t appear to be in full control and is constantly wobbling, eternally close to falling over.…

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Many of us, I’m sure, are no strangers to meeting new friends while on vacation. Socializing with strangers from foreign nations has an oddly mystical quality to it, as it frequently leads to long-lasting friendships. But what if I told you that this phenomenon isn’t limited to humans? Stanley, a dog, and his human recently traveled to Cornwall to see the local Cornish seal sanctuary, where he made friends with a seal pup named Aayla. They then struck a few positions. And everyone exclaimed, “Aww!” Stanley, a dachshund (often known as a sausage or wiener dog) and his owner Melanie…

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A man was perplexed by a strange critter he reeled out of a river, prompting people to speculate on what it could be. The critter is clearly hooked to a fishing line in the footage shows it flailing around on a pier, which was uploaded on Facebook. “Somebody tell me what the f*** this is coming out the river,” the man who caught the creature wrote on Facebook. The skate was reacting to being caught while still attached to fishing line. Source: TikTok/Natalie1526n The video, shared by the man from the US state of Arkansas, has attracted millions of viewed since it was…

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Failure to follow basic principles is the root of the Warriors’ defensive problems. “I just think we’re having trouble just stacking together good decision after good decision… We always talk about stringing together three stops in a row, but you foul a three-point shooter here, you leave strong-side corner there… it’s just really hard to build any traction in a game defensively.” The most telling part of that statement is Kerr pointing out specific defensive lapses: fouling a three-point shooter and helping one pass away off of the strong-side corner. Considering what happened against the Bulls, I can’t help…

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When a lion cub and another tiger cub are sighted together at an African Safari park, it’s an uncommon sight to see (Oita prefecture, Japan). Tigers and lions aren’t known for being great buddies, but these two lovely cubs show us that there are always exceptions in nature. The African Safari Park shared photos of the cubs palling around, playing together, and remaining close together on Twitter. Since their post, the couple has received thousands of likes on social media. Furthermore, the post demonstrates that these newborns are indeed divine beings. They have big hearts full of love and devotion,…

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After the Golden State Warriors’ deflating 132-118 loss to the Chicago Bulls — their 10th loss in 11 games against Eastern Conference teams this season — head coach Steve Kerr had some revealing statements about his team: “I just think we’re having trouble just stacking together good decision after good decision… We always talk about stringing together three stops in a row, but you foul a three-point shooter here, you leave strong-side corner there… it’s just really hard to build any traction in a game defensively.” The most telling part of that statement is Kerr pointing out specific defensive lapses: fouling a…

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On a construction site for what would become an industrial park close to Merida, on Mexico’s Ycatan peninsula, archaeologists discovered the remains of an ancient Maya metropolis with palaces, pyramids, and plazas. The site, called Xiol, has featυres of the Maya Pυυc style of architectυre, archaeologists said, which is commoп iп the soυtherп Yυcatáп peпiпsυla bυt rare пear Mérida. “We thiпk more thaп 4,000 people lived aroυпd here,” said Carlos Peraza, oпe of the archaeologists who led the excavatioп of the city, estimated to have beeп occυpied from 600 to 900 AD. “There were people from differeпt social classes…

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