Author: Bevis

This is the moment when a tiger finally won a bloody fight of life and death against a doomed deer. The tiger had spotted the herd of Sambar deers quenching their thirst by Rajbagh Lake at Rahnthambhore National Park in Rajasthan, India, and launched an attack on a young stag. The desperate deer struggled to get free as the duo fought to the death, but it was no competition for the vicious tiger as she struck a killer blow, before tucking into her freshly-caught dinner. The amazing snaps were taken by wildlife photographer Alankar Chandra as he visited the…

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It was anything but scenic as the Celtics defeated the Warriors on Thursday after a comeback. Boston had seven less assists, a worse shooting percentage than Golden State, and more turnovers. Together, Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown shot 33 percent from the field in the final results. The Celtics needed a gritty fourth quarter to come back, then they almost blew it late in overtime. They were sloppy with the ball in critical moments and nearly collapsed on multiple occasions. Nothing came easily, but in a way, that made the triumph even more significant and more convincing. Boston’s 121-118 victory was its most impressive…

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The Los Angeles Lakers, according to NBA commentator and former player Kendrick Perkins, are “punishing” LeBron James for the Russell Westbrook trade. “It almost feels like, in my opinion, that Rob Pelinka and Jeanie Buss is punishing LeBron James for the Russell Westbrook trade,” Perkins said. “Meaning, ‘you played a huge part in getting Russell Westbrook here. And we know we have these two draft picks, and we’re not going to trade ’em because you wanted him. You wanted him ‘Bron. So now you have to deal with it.’” The Russell Westbrook trade hasn’t panned out how the Lakers initially…

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Steve Kerr has been a coach and a player in the NBA for a very long period at this point. He also served as the Phoenix Suns’ general manager for over a decade, so he has had a thorough understanding of all angles. One of the most heavily discussed topics among NBA circles in recent years has been the length of the season, with there having been growing calls for it to be shortened. Kerr has called on the NBA to shorten the season to 72 games in the past and after deciding to rest his stars for their game…

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El león es conocido como el “señor de los pastizales” y siempre está en la posición de un depredador, haciendo temer a otros animales. Sin embargo, en realidad el león no es el animal más fuerte de la estepa. Todavía a veces son derrotados por presas, especialmente aquellas que son muy defensivas. En el clip, una leona está acechando a un antílope negro del este de África, se puede ver que fácilmente ganó ventaja al escabullirse por detrás y luego se abalanzó sobre su presa. Parecía que esta sería una comida fácil con leones como cualquier otra cacería, pero el antílope negro…

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At this endearing moment, a baby elephant appears to be dancing in the middle of the road, amusing the passersby. In the footage, which was recorded in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ’s Kruger National Park, the young creature is seen excitedly waggling its tail and swinging its trunk. The baby appears to be parading for the crowd as it kicks its legs out and stamps its feet. The infant jerks and wiggles, shakes its head to the throng, and flaps its ears. For a few seconds, he holds his posture as the individuals filming chuckle gently so as not to disturb him. The…

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A Texan family was greeted with a lovely surprise when Cmycherrytree’s daughter Angel picked a rose for her mom. Inside was a sleeping Green anole lizard, nested perfectly in the petals. Don’t let these images fool you, though. Found in the south-eastern part of North America, the Carolina or green anole is fiercely territorial! They have even been observed fighting their own reflections in mirrors, so the peacefulness of this guy napping is definitely temporary. Source:

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The Maya ruins of Toniná in Chiapas, Mexico. (Image credit: Brian Overcast via Alamy Stock Photo)Maya people cremated their rulers and used the ashes to help make rubber balls that were used in ballgames, an archaeologist has claimed. The researcher and his team believe they’ve found evidence of this practice while excavating the Maya city of Toniná, in southern Mexico. Researchers refer to it as the “ballgame” as its rules and name may have changed over time. It was often played by two teams using a rubber ball on a capital I-shaped court. The game was popular across the Americas…

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The Hubble Space Telescope has reportedly reached a new milestone in its quest to measure the speed at which the universe is expanding, and it strongly implies that something strange is going on in our cosmos. Astronomers have recently utilized telescopes like Hubble to measure how quickly the cosmos is expanding. However, when the data were refined, a peculiar finding was made. There is a considerable gap between evidence from the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang and the universe’s current rate of expansion. The disagreement has been left unsolved by scientists. However, it demonstrates that “something weird”—possibly the result…

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A new significant study spans 2,000 years of genetic history in Scandinavia, from the Iron Age to the present. This look back at Scandinavian history is based on an analysis of 48 new and 249 published ancient human genomes representing multiple iconic archaeological sites, together with genetic data from more than 16,500 people living in Scandinavia today. Among other intriguing findings, the new study led by Stockholm University and deCODE genetics (Reykjavik) offers insight into migration patterns and gene flow during the Viking Age (750–1050 CE). It also shows that ancestries that were introduced into the area during the Viking period later…

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It was love at first sight when Horifuji saw an Irezumi on the back of a bar patron, and he has since dedicated himself to tattoo, namely traditional Japanese. After an apprenticeship and lots of practice, he flew to America where he works at State of Grace in San José (California). “I settled in Sapporo Japan and I used to work going back and forth between Sapporo and Tokyo. Before coming to San Jose, I lived in Nakano – Tokyo.My dad worked as an air traffic controller in a government agency. My mom painted oil paintings as a hobby while doing home…

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Los turistas en Kenia se encontraron con un elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 enfermizo y abandonado que luchaba por sobrevivir después de ser atacado por un chacal. Lo sacaron de la naturaleza y ahora está prosperando en un orfanato para la vida silvestre. En respuesta a los informes de la cría itinerante, el Servicio de Vida Silvestre Kᴇɴʏᴀ y David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust enviaron un equipo de rescate para rescatar a la cría. El elefante, que tenía tres o cuatro meses en ese momento, se quedó atrás por razones poco claras, sin embargo, es posible que su madre haya sido víctima de la caza furtiva.…

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Animal Aid Unlimited recibió una nueva cabra 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 e inmediatamente se dieron cuenta de que tenían que actuar rápidamente para preservar su vida. El pobre animal no podía moverse porque el alquitrán era muy espeso sobre ella. Su cola estaba unida a su pecho y sus piernas estaban unidas entre sí. Ni siquiera pudo gritar por su madre ya que estaba tan exhausta y agotada. Lamentablemente, el dueño de la cabra había abandonado a la 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 y la había dejado morir. Después de realizar una breve evaluación de la nueva cabra 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧, el equipo de rescate de Animal Aid Unlimited descubrió que estaba…

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En una batalla entre un caimán y una tortuga, la mayoría de la gente apostaría a que ganaría el depredador ápice. En una pelea, pocas criaturas tendrían una oportunidad contra un caimán. Se ha observado que estos depredadores del ápice consumen una variedad de presas. Pero eso no es lo que muestra este incidente en particular, que fue documentado en video. El metraje captura el momento en que un caimán intentó comerse una tortuga. Pero las cosas no resultaron exactamente como el enorme reptil hubiera anticipado. Como el caparazón de la tortuga era tan duro, el caimán tuvo que intentarlo muchas veces, pero aun…

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A skull tattoo concept invariably denotes death, decay, and the unstoppable passage of time – however it may also be used to explore the duality and intertwining of life and death. The skull is also commonly taken as a symbol of death, danger and destruction, while in outlaw culture the skull is a symbol of alienation and rebellion, a totem for those outside and on the fringes. The following 145+ cool skull tattoo ideas demonstrate the best in skull design, showcasing inspiration you can use to apply to your next piece of body art. 1. Sugar Skull Tattoos The Calavera,…

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In a battle between an alligator and a turtle, the majority of people would wager on the apex predator to win. In a fight, few creatures would stand a chance against an alligator. It has been noted that these apex predators consume a range of prey. But that’s not what this particular incident, which was documented on video, shows. The footage captures the moment an alligator tried to eat a turtle. But things didn’t exactly turn out the way the enormous reptile would have anticipated. As the turtle’s shell was so hard, the alligator had to try many times but…

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Animal Aid Unlimited received a newborn goat, and they immediately realized that they needed to act rapidly to preserve her life. The poor animal couldn’t move because the tar was so thick on her. Her tail was attached to her chest, and her legs were bonded to one another. She was unable to even scream for her mother since she was so exhausted and worn out. Sadly, the goat’s owner had abandoned the baby and had allowed her to die. After performing a short assessment of the newborn goat, the Animal Aid Unlimited rescue team found that she was critically…

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Tourists in Kenya came across a sickly, abandoned baby elephant struggling to survive after being attacked by a jackal. He was taken from the wild and is now thriving in an orphanage for wildlife. In response to reports of the roaming calf, the Kᴇɴʏᴀ Wildlife Service and David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust sent a rescue team to rescue the calf. The elephant, who was three or four months old at the time, was left behind for unclear reasons, however it’s possible his mother was a victim of poaching. The DSWT’s executive director, Angela Sheldrick, said of the rescue that the rescue…

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Without a question, LeBron James has ruled this previous era of basketball. He is one of the most illustrious players in NBA history. LeBron James has been dominant even at this point in his career with the Los Angeles Lakers; he is now averaging 29.8 PPG, 8.4 RPG, and 7.0 APG. Throughout his career, LeBron James has managed to break a number of records, and this year he is projected to break Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s all-time regular season scoring record. A recent report from Steve Aschburner of relayed some information from commissioner Adam Silver, who revealed that the league expects LeBron James to…

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On Friday night, the severely depleted Golden State Warriors upset the Cleveland Cavaliers by holding on to win 120-114. This is the reigning champions’ first road victory against a winning club this year. Less than 24 hours after playing 43 minutes in an overtime loss to the Boston Celtics, Jordan Poole hardly looked worse for the wear. He dropped a game-high 32 points and hit five threes on 10-of-23 shooting, frustrating basketball’s top-ranked defense from the opening tip despite being the Cavaliers’ obvious defensive focal point with Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green and Andrew Wiggins resting. Poole drained triples…

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According to a study published January 18, 2023 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Bea De Cupere of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium, and the University of Jaén, Spain, and colleagues, crocodiles were mummified in a unique way at the Egyptian site of Qubbat al-Hawa during the 5th Century BC. Overview of the crocodiles during excavation. Credit: Patri Mora Riudavets, member of the Qubbat al-Hawā team, CC-BY 4.0 ( Mummified animals, including crocodiles, are common finds at Egyptian archaeological sites. Despite several hundred mummified crocodiles being available in museum collections worldwide, they are not often examined…

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Less than a month will pass before the 2023 NBA All-Star Game, but Boston is already thinking about 2026. The Boston Celtics intend to submit a bid to host the NBA All-Star Game at TD Garden in 2026, according to TNT. If the C’s won the bid, it’d be the first All-Star game of any kind in Boston in over two decades, and the first NBA All-Star Game there in more than 60 years. Last year’s NBA All-Star Game was held in Cleveland and this year it’s in Salt Lake City, so it’s clear that the decision-makers wouldn’t be…

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It is hardly unexpected that the highly anticipated game between the Boston Celtics and Golden State Warriors on Thursday resulted in an instant classic. The number of bad calls the referees made in the closing two minutes of play has emerged as a stunning revelation following Boston’s 121-118 overtime triumph. The Dubs and Stephen Curry won’t appreciate this at all. According to the NBA’s official Last 2-Minute report, there was a total of six officiating errors in the dying moments of the game. All but one of them favored the Celtics, and it goes without saying that this game could have…

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In the 2022–23 NBA season, Golden State Warriors forward Stephen Curry has surpassed LeBron James in terms of jersey sales. Curry is ranked no. 1 on the NBA’s Most Popular Jersey list, with James falling to second after being a regular at the top spot. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Luka Doncic and Kevin Durant round out the Top 5. The results are based on the sales of for the first half of the 2022-23 campaign. It is interesting to note, however, that it’s the first time since the 2017-18 season that Curry topped the list, per Audacy. While Curry has remained popular in…

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