Author: Bevis

After Kyrie Irving was traded to the Dallas Mavericks, NBA star LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers wrote a really amusing tweet that quickly went viral. Hours after the Mavs pulled off the deal for Irving, James took to Twitter to say, “Maybe It’s Me.” A lot of fans assumed he’s talking about the Kyrie trade and the Lakers’ failed pursuit after expressing interest in him. Is LeBron blaming himself for the Lakers’ failure to get Irving? Or is he saying Irving didn’t want to join the Purple and Gold because of him? A lot can be taken from that simple…

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LeBron James will reportedly get the opportunity to pass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA’s top scorer in front of the former Los Angeles Lakers icon himself. The 38-year-old is just 36 points shy of eclipsing Kareem after his 27-point outing in the Lakers’ loss to the New Orleans Pelicans. James is expected to break the record in the team’s next skirmish against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country. Per Reuters, Kareem will be attending both the home games in the following week: The Thunder on Tuesday and the Milwaukee Bucks on Thursday. The other…

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Kyrie Irving shocked everyone by asking for a trade out of the Brooklyn Nets during the past 48 hours, sending the NBA world into a frenzy. The league was abuzz with speculations as a result of this circumstance, and many teams began negotiating with the Brooklynites. Among those teams, the Los Angeles Lakers appeared to be clear-cut favorites to land Kyrie given the reported interest of Kyrie in reuniting with LeBron James, and the Lakers need to add a player like Irving to their roster. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country. More teams like the Phoenix Suns,…

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Did LeBron James just respond to the historic trade of Kyrie Irving to the Dallas Mavericks? The three-word tweet from the Los Angeles Lakers star appears to suggest that he genuinely does, based on the time and content. It’s also amusing. In his first tweet since the Kyrie deal, LeBron has unsurprisingly sent NBA Twitter into a tizzy with his “reaction”: “Maybe It’s Me,” James wrote in his tweet. A quick peek at the comments section proves that the mean streets of Twitter are absolutely convinced that LeBron was reacting to eh Kyrie trade. Then again, he did have the first…

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Chicano is a tattooing style that started on the streets of Los Angeles, not in the best of circumstances. However, its vivid, expressive imagery and hooliganism have made it a cultural phenomenon and a popular style in artistic rather than criminal tattooing. For a creative explosion of cultural extravagance, nothing beats the stunning significance of the Chicano tattoo. These meaningful designs have tremendous potential for stylish high-pointedness. Chicano ink generously stands at the forefront of the body art revolution. These exhilarating insignia come in a wide range of cultural incarnations. To create a surprisingly dynamic design, they boldly mix conspicuous…

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The Golden State Warriors continue to be one of the few teams in the league that are okay with having multiple non-shooters on the floor in this pace-and-space era where shooting is a premium and almost everyone in a five-man lineup must be able to shoot — four spacers (including a mobile and versatile four-man) with one non-shooting five-man, or even a five-man that can act as a spacing big. After consecutive games of starting a three-guard small lineup — perhaps to jumpstart an offense that has underperformed this season — Steve Kerr returned to his good old reliable five-man…

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The Golden State Warriors’ 2022–2023 NBA season hasn’t been easy. They entered the season with high expectations, but as the games progressed, it became clear that they weren’t playing at the same caliber as the team that defeated all opponents to win the 2022 NBA championship. The offseason fight between Jordan Poole and Draymond Green surely hit the team, and even to this day, it’s creating issues for them. However, there are more things that the Warriors need to fix before returning to that great level they had last season. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country.…

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Pythons are non-ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍᴏᴜs snakes that can be found in Asia, Africa, and Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀ. They are regarded as Old World snakes because they are not native to North or South America. The Reptile Database lists 41 different species of python in the family Pythonidae. Although both pythons and boas are large constrictors, they are from separate families. Pythons prefer to live in warm, humid regions. Although many species thrive in rainforests, pythons also inhabit meadows, woodlands, swamps, rocky outcrops, dunes, and shrubs. Depending on the species, pythons find shelter in tree branches, hollows in rocks, abandoned mammal burrows, and under boulders.…

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Two considerably more ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs animals ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋed an antelope that was rushing into a river to escape a pack of wild dogs. Two gigantic hippos in Bᴏᴛsᴡᴀɴᴀ’s Khwai River were waiting for the helpless impala and weren’t willing to let it go without a ғɪɢʜᴛ. Before the two of the enormous animals slammed down on its body in an effort to drown it, one of the large creatures rapidly locked its jaws around the small creature. Despite being thrown around in the water, the lucky antelope was able to escape the massive creatures and reach dry land. The images were taken…

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Imágenes conmovedoras muestran a una perra muy embarazada que parece haber adoptado un mono bebé huérfano después de que su madre fuera envenenada. Se puede ver al mono bebé abrazando y jugando con el perro, ya que la futura madre parece disfrutar de tenerlo cerca. El fotógrafo Prakash Badal, de 48 años, tomó las imágenes mientras visitaba Chakki Mor, Solan en Himachal Pradesh, al norte de la India, con la intención inicial de fotografiar aves. Imágenes conmovedoras muestran a una perra muy embarazada que parece haber adoptado un mono bebé huérfano después de que su madre fuera envenenada Se puede…

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Les archéologues ont découvert 83 tombes de l’Égypte ancienne, mais les restes humains ont été conservés dans un étrange cercueil dans un type de sépulture incroyablement rare. Souvent, les cadavres de l’Égypte ancienne sont retrouvés enterrés dans des sarcophages. Le sarcophage est un cercueil en pierre, généralement orné d’une sculpture ou d’une inscription et associé aux anciennes civilisations de l’Égypte. Cependant, ces cercueils étaient plutôt façonnés en argile. Les tombes datent de la civilisation de Bhutto, ou Basse-Égypte, et sont rares à Dakahlia. Les archéologues ont récemment découvert 83 tombes anciennes datant de la première moitié du quatrième millénaire avant…

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We are aware that leopards enjoy feeding in trees. They prefer to hoist their ᴋɪʟʟs into the treetops, far from the reach of other predators who could be tempted to grab it. A large male can move a carcass weighing two or three times his own weight thanks to their excellent hoisting sᴋɪʟʟs. But this leopard seems to be carrying too much to the top of trees. Since ʜᴜɴᴛing is labor-intensive, many carnivores store food for later consumption. After all, it makes sense to consume as much of the ᴋɪʟʟ as you can, frequently over a number of days. The…

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This male lion approaches a sleeping lioness. When you assume he will lie down next to her, he really wakes her up in the worst way you can imagine. Joshua Loonkushu, a 32-year-old safari guide, captured this on camera while on a nighttime game drive near a river. In the Maasai Mara, Joshua said that the day before, they saw a pride of lions that had just ᴋɪʟʟed a wildebeest along the banks of the Sand River. The following day, he made the decision to go there in an effort to find them. Thankfully, he was able to locate them.…

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Recently, Primorye Safari Park’s zookeepers placed a goat named Timur (who didn’t have a name at that point) in Amur the Siberian tiger’s cage as live food. Instead of treating the goat as his ргeу, Amur didn’t go after Timur This ѕһoсked the creature’s caretakers because Amur has never behaved this way toward another animal during his bi-weekly, live animal feedings. “Nobody taught the goat to be аfгаіd of the tiger. So, Amur decided not to meѕѕ with the feагɩeѕѕ goat, and didn’t eаt it,” explains the park. “During the day, Amur and Timur walk together like a pair of…

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After гeѕсᴜe from аtгoсіoᴜѕ conditions, this ɩіoп, tiger, and bear cub made a life together at an animal sanctuary. Their unconditional love is inspiring. Sometimes, we get to choose our families. The same is true for animals, and often, ѕрeсіeѕ don’t much matter. When Baloo, Shere Khan, and Leo were rescued from teггіЬɩe conditions in the early 2000s, they were inseparable. The three were rescued as cubs from the same аЬᴜѕіⱱe location. They were ɩoсked in a basement in Atlanta, malnourished and even іпjᴜгed. Thankfully, Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary саme to the гeѕсᴜe and took them in. From that point…

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A giant ceramic jar from Byzantine times was found by the farmer who plowed his field in central Kırıkkale in Turkey. After his tractor locked up in a pot, the farmer living in the village of Koçubaba in Balışeyh district found the jar. He called the gendarmerie immediately to inform officials of the find. After archeologists have been extracted, the jar, which was reportedly used to store food supplies, was brought to the Kırıkkale Culture and Tourism Directorate. “It was used as a cellar in the Byzantine era,” Kırıkkale Culture and Tourism Director Aydın Demiröz told Anadolu Agency, adding…

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The Wapusk National Park is nothing but fascinating. The remote area from the northeastern edge of Manitoba is impressing with its dramatic landscapes and a variety of species that found their homes in this unfriendly and severe environment. Nevertheless, the place is just as hostile as captivating, especially in February and March. From mid-February to mid-March, specifically. It is when the massive polar bear females found their ways out of the dens. But their are not alone, but with their so-lovely less than four-month-old cubs. For wildlife photographers to capture these moments on camera is a dream came true, but…

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A wild horse got a second chance, after getting stuck in a deep muddy hole. Fortunately for the majestic creature, a group of volunteers accidentally came across it and after soem great effort they managed to set it free. The dramatic rescue was caught on camera and later shared on Facebook by a animal welfare organization. Help Alberta Wildlife Society is a group whose goal is “to save and protect the free roaming wild horses throughout the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta.” So volunteers with the organization roam through the wilderness of these region in order to aid…

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Some people think that wild animals are unable of feeling gratitude towards someone who has helped out of a rough situation, but it’s videos like the one you are just about to watch that do an excellent job proving the opposite. It all started when a veterinarian from Four Paws saw a wild horse that was chained in the middle of a field in Romani. Unable to roam freely, the horse looked obviously depressed. It looked like it had given up on life and was just waiting for everything to end. Knowing that it isn’t just imoral, but also illegal…

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In the ancient Greek town of Zeugma, it actually located in Turkey, three new mosaics have been discovered. The mosaics dating from the 2nd century BC are exceptionally well preserved, but they’re still as beautiful as the first day. In addition, in Dacia (presumably today’s Romania) there are two ancient cities named Zeugma and one in modern Gaziantep province of Turkey. It was considered one of the largest trading centers in the Eastern Roman Empire in Turkey and prospered till the third century when it was completely destroyed and then struck by an earthquake by a Sassanid king However, to this day,…

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Contrary to popular belief, cuddling is not just for puppies and kittens. Many animals, from a baby rhino seeking hugs from a photographer to a seal enjoying belly rubs from a diver, love to be petted. But nothing beats the adorableness of a lamb asking for cuddles from its owner. A heartwarming video shows a tiny lamb approaching its owner for cuddles. The owner happily pets the lamb, but the lamb wants more, gently tapping its owner with its hind leg as if to say “Can we keep going?” The owner continues to pet the lamb, but the adorable creature…

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Two Californian women hoped for a close encounter with a humpback whale, but they definitely got more than they bargained for. They will never forget the incredible experience that was inches away to turn into the worst nightmare! Julie McSorley and her friend Liz Cottriel were kayaking off Avila Beach when they just engulfed into a humpback whale’s mouth. But it all happened so fast, they didn’t even noticed, because the massive mammal spat them back out. The incredible moment was captured on camera by one of the women and by some other whale watchers. “So I knew it was…

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Mientras recorría el Parque Nacional de Serengeᴛi, Tanzania, el ecografista jubilado y fotógrafo aficionado a la vida silvestre Harish Kuar (71 años) captó imágenes impresionantes de Dram ic Ƅaᴛᴛle Ƅeᴛween gianᴛᴛoᴛ apopgsiᴛe apogeo en África. Según el Sr. Harris, ese día, al pasar por un lago, su esposa lo llamó de repente y le señaló que algo estaba pasando en el lago. Inmediatamente, corrió allí y Ƅegan ᴛo recogió la cámara ᴛo oƄserʋe y waiᴛ. Por casualidad, poco después de la filmación, el Sr. Harris vio emerger un caimán y mató a una gran familia de más de 30 hipopótamos. Mirar al…

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Al descubrir al antílope bebé caminando con su madre, el leopardo atacó repentinamente. La aparición de leopardos hizo que tanto la madre como el bebé ñu huyeran presas del pánico. Sin embargo, al ver que el bebé estaba siendo perseguido, la madre ñu inmediatamente se dio la vuelta y usó sus cuernos para derribar al leopardo y asustarlo para que se rindiera. Los leopardos, comúnmente conocidos como leopardos (Panthera pardus) son una de las cuatro especies de grandes felinos del género Panthera que viven en África y Asia (otros grandes felinos son el león, el tigre y el jaguar) de…

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