Author: Bevis

What transpires when a place from a fairy tale freezes over? Look at this breathtakingly barren region of the earth. Aerial view taken on January 18, 2017 with a drone shows the Marienburg Castle near Pattensen, northern Germany, standing amidst a snow-covered forest. Picture: AFP Passers-by have cast their hand on a frosted tree trunk on January 16, 2017 on the Großer Feldberg in the mountainous Taunus area near Schmitten, central Germany. Picture: AFPAerial view taken on January 17, 2017 with a drone shows a car driving through the snow-covered landscape near Schulenburg im Oberharz in the Harz region, central…

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On Wednesday, LeBron James participated in an NBA game for the first time since breaking the previous scoring mark. It was also the first time LeBron played alongside his new teammates following the Lakers’ flurry of NBA trade deadline moves. A new-look LA side made easy work of the New Orleans Pelicans, defeating them in a 120-102 blowout, and unsurprisingly, it has gotten Lakers fans all excited. Even NBA analyst Kenny Smith of TNT could not help but come out with his own bold take on this latest iteration of the Lakers. Smith liked what he saw from LeBron and Co. in their win…

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The Golden State Warriors are currently mired in uncertainty. Well, they have experienced this destiny before when their key players were injured from 2019 to 21. The end of that waiting game turned out pretty well, with the franchise winning their fourth championship in eight seasons in 2022. The team no longer has that luxury, though. Not if the dynasty is going to continue. The Warriors currently reside in ninth place in the Western Conference and sit at .500, where they have hovered most of the year. There are instances all across sports where great teams lumber their way though big chunks…

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Los osos pardos y los lobos han estado en conflicto por el territorio y las fuentes de alimento desde que los lobos fueron introducidos una vez más en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone. Estos pequeños conflictos pueden resultar en que los lobos escapen a ғɪɢʜᴛ otro día o que el oso renuncie a su área después de determinar que no valía la pena el ғɪɢʜᴛ. Los lobos estuvieron ausentes del ecosistema de Yellowstone durante un tiempo, por lo que el ecosistema debe adaptarse a su regreso. El continuo y frecuentemente violento juego de ajedrez entre especies jugado por los lobos…

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Los cocodrilos son depredadores de emboscada que esperan a que su presa pase frente a ellos antes de lanzarse en busca del ᴋɪʟʟ. Aunque estos reptiles tienen la apariencia de ser animales lentos, cuando atacan son rápidos y ágiles. En su ecosistema, los cocodrilos son los principales depredadores, capaces de derribar presas tan grandes como un tiburón o un gran felino. Consumen peces, aves, cangrejos, reptiles, mamíferos, anfibios e incluso otros pequeños cocodrilos en su dieta. Sus sentidos superiores ayudan en su exitoso ʜᴜɴᴛing. Los cocodrilos son animales nocturnos que dependen de su visión nocturna superior para protegerse de la…

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Humpbacks and civets have a special relationship, this partnership comes with many benefits and more eyes to guard against danger. They quickly detect an approaching danger, a lioness and her hungry cubs. Kali, a lioness and her cubs roam foraging in the Serengeti, Africa. An easy-to-find meal was all Kali needed right now. This is an opportunity for the dog to show the cubs how to catch prey. The lioness decided to attack the humped pig directly after arranging the cubs in a safe and convenient position for observation. Unfortunately, it chose the wrong target. The boar is not an…

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Como el ave más inteligente del mundo con una vista perfecta que alcanza 20/2, 8 veces la de un humano, los halcones rara vez pierden a su presa. Su escenario de caza favorito a menudo es correr desde un escondite oculto en lo alto hacia abajo, apuntando directamente, atacando en un momento que deja a la presa incapaz de reaccionar. La imagen de esta cacería fue grabada en una reserva de vida silvestre en África. Mientras buscaba comida, un par de lagartos gigantes llamaron la atención del halcón. Tan pronto como se descubrió la gran presa, el halcón se…

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Aunque rara vez se ven, las peleas violentas por la comida y la supervivencia son comunes entre los depredadores de África. Muchos carnívoros recurren a robar comida de segunda mano si se presenta la oportunidad y, a veces, un cadáver buscado puede causar un alboroto sustancial. Las imágenes subidas recientemente al canal de YouTube Kruger Sightings muestran a un leopardo obligado a ceder su comida de impala a una manada de perros pintados que, a su vez, perdieron ante un clan de hienas descaradas. La conmoción comenzó cuando un leopardo derribó con éxito a un carnero impala y atrajo la…

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Crocodiles are ambush predators that wait for their prey to pass in front of them before swiping in for the ᴋɪʟʟ. Although these reptiles have the appearance of being slow-moving animals, when they strike they are quick and nimble. In their ecosystem, crocodiles are the top predators, able to take down prey as huge as a shark or big cat. They consume fish, birds, crabs, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and even other small crocodiles in their diet. Their superior senses aid in their successful ʜᴜɴᴛing. Crocodiles are nocturnal animals that rely on their superior night vision to protect them from their…

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In the wild, lions and hyenas have frequently battled. Hyenas and lions frequently get into vicious confrontations, as is well documented. Every time the two species coexist across all of Africa, it is obvious. Although lions and hyenas are both sᴋɪʟʟed ʜᴜɴᴛers, they regularly compete for leftovers and sᴛᴇᴀʟ ᴋɪʟʟs from one another. After ᴋɪʟʟing their prey, African lions often collapse utterly exhausted, so they need some time to recover and gather their breath before feasting. The hyenas also come across fresh ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ between those two incidences, which they start to ingest. Even these enormous cats cannot match the hyenas’…

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Houseplants with Purple Stripes 1. Ruby Purple Botanical Title: Fittonia ‘Ruby Purple’ This compact fittonia selection options darkish inexperienced leaves superbly variegated with deep pink veins. Develop it in contrasting shade containers for an beautiful look. 2. Purple Sumatra Botanical Title: Aglaonema ‘Purple Sumatra’ This Aglaonema selection is principally grown on the island of Sumatra, therefore the frequent identify. It comes within the lovely shades of red-maroon with pink stripes. 3. Mammy Croton Botanical Title: Codiaeum variegatum ‘Mammy’ Mammy presents shiny, thick, giant, curly foliage within the shades of pink, purple, inexperienced, and brilliant yellow with a pink stripe working down the…

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If you don’t have enough land to create the garden you want, maybe you should think about creating a mini garden. You can more easily care for and supervise it, and of course it can be easily placed in various indoor and outdoor spaces. If you are a cactus lover, check out Six Ideas to Create Mini Cactus Gardens that you can use as inspiration. Add miniature to the pot This clay pot made like a bowl looks stunning in a dry garden setting that features a few cacti. Not only cacti, the addition of a miniature house is what makes…

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Choosing a container for a snake plant is more difficult that it appears. But it’s also not  too difficult to consider. The key to selecting a snake plant pot is to consider the needs of the snake plants. Because snake plants prefer a narrow root spread and not all other varieties prefer limited planters. As a result, care is required to make the snake plant breathe more freely and lushly. In the following reviews, you will find the best and most detailed snake plant potting requirements. Some considerations for the best potted snake plant The following are important factors to…

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With colorful, star-shaped flowers, lilies add star power to summer gardens. These perennial beauties need a little extra fall care in areas with harsh winters. Learn more in our lily growing guide. About liliesLilies add graceful elegance and fragrance to any garden and bloom from early summer all the way to autumn, depending on the type. By carefully mixing early, mid-season and late varieties into your garden, you’ll enjoy their magnificent blooms from spring until the first frost. At home in both formal and naturalistic settings, most lilies also take to containers easily. Plus, they make fantastic cut flowers! Lilies…

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If you’re looking for inspiration for your next tattoo, look no further than your biceps. Biceps tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Not only do they make a bold statement, but they also provide a canvas for intricate and meaningful designs. To help you in your search for the perfect biceps tattoo, we’ve compiled a list of 43 ideas that are sure to spark your creativity. From traditional designs like anchors and skulls to more abstract and artistic pieces, there’s something for everyone. So whether you’re a seasoned tattoo enthusiast or a newcomer to…

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Ellie Rayne is a tattoo model who has taken the world by storm with her stunning inked body and captivating presence. Born and raised in the United States, Ellie has always had a deep passion for art and self-expression. She began getting tattoos at a young age, and quickly fell in love with the intricate designs and rich symbolism that they offer. Ellie’s unique blend of beauty and edginess has made her a popular figure in the modeling industry, and she has worked with numerous renowned photographers and brands. Her striking tattoos, which cover much of her body, are a…

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Eggs are the gift that keeps on giving. According to BBC Good Food, they’re flooded with protein and vitamins. They can be cooked in a million different ways — or that’s at least how it seems. And they only take a few minutes to make –– traditionally, that is. Did we mention they taste mouthwateringly delicious? But even though eggs might be simple to make, there are likely many mistakes you’re making while concocting them. Mistakes you didn’t even know you were committing in the first place. There are many forms of eggs — from scrambled to deviled and from Benedict…

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El clip fue grabado por Hennie Bekker, de 36 años, en el Parque Nacional Kruger (Sudáfrica) y muestra a un grupo de siete leones cazando juntos de noche. Siete leoncillos vieron y se acercaron a un puercoespín que se movía solo en los pastizales. Los leones inmediatamente rodearon e intentaron atacar al erizo, pero el erizo también fue muy hábil para apuntar su pelaje afilado hacia los leones en todo momento, haciendo imposible que los depredadores se acercaran y atacaran al erizo. Después de unos minutos de intentarlo, aparentemente dándose cuenta de que el erizo no se podía convertir…

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or so it’s been said. This ever present cliché has been thrown around and worn out to the point of being considered a myth by some. More an advertising tactic than a legitimate nutritional recommendation, this phrase helped perpetuate the interests of lobbyists and companies associated with the production and sales of “typical” breakfast foods, according to The Guardian. It may surprise you to learn that the idea of “breakfast food” didn’t originate until the late 1800s, during the Industrial Revolution, when the start of breakfast cereals began their takeover, and…

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LeBron James made his first remarks in front of the public regarding the Los Angeles Lakers’ flurry of activity over a week after the 2023 NBA trade deadline. The Lakers exported Russell Westbrook after a hectic 18-month saga, along with Patrick Beverley (who was reported to be a source of locker-room strain), Thomas Bryant, Juan Toscano Anderson, and Damian Jones. In return, the Lakers added shooting, athleticism, youth, IQ, and versatility via the combination of D’Angelo Russell, Malik Beasley, Jarred Vanderbilt, Mo Bamba, and Davon Reed. “I think our skill sets all kind of fit each other,” said LeBron. James missed the last…

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Every Warriors fan’s aspirations and goals were in jeopardy when guard Steph Curry suffered a lower-leg injury on February 4 against the Dallas Mavericks. The prognosis of the injury wasn’t the worst, but it wasn’t exactly good either. Curry hasn’t played since the Mavericks game, but the good news is the setback is not season-ending. As the NBA prepares to go into the All-Star break, general manager Bob Myers gave an update on how Steph Curry is progressing from the injury, per Farbod Esnaashari of Sports Illustrated’s Fan Nation. “I’m here at the facility, [Curry] is here rehabbing,” Myers said. “Steph is…

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In southern Peru’s Ocucaje Desert, paleontologists have made a remarkable discovery: the fossilized remains of a massive creature that lived 40 million years ago, commonly referred to as the “walking whale.” The area is renowned for its abundance of ancient marine fossils, and the discovery of the creature’s leg bones, which closely resemble those of its land-dwelling ancestors, offers tantalizing evidence of the evolutionary link between amphibious and aquatic mammals. This find could provide important insights into the development of modern sea creatures. The ancient fossil of a 40 million-year-old ‘walking whale’ has been unearthed by Peruvian palaeontologists “We already…

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1. Sanssouci Palace and Gardens in Potsdam Sanssouci Palace and Gardens became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990, but before that, it was a summer palace for King Frederick of Prussia between 1740 and 1786. Currently, it is not only an old palace but a treasured sanctuary with a wide and beautiful view of Potsdam city. Visitors place it among the top tourist attractions due to its majestic fountains, well-maintained grounds, exquisite gardens and about 1000 beautiful sculptures. Tourists are free to roam through the breathtaking gardens of the park. 2. Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) in Berlin The Brandenburg…

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Una hiena curiosa interrumpió este avistamiento extremadamente raro de un leopardo jugando con su cría. La hiena no se dio cuenta de que el instinto de una madre es imparable y hará todo lo posible para defender a sus hijos. Ver esta interacción es increíblemente inusual y raro, y lo que lo hizo aún más emocionante fue cómo el joven vio a la hiena y salió corriendo a lo lejos. Además, después de que la madre ahuyentara a la hiena, fue directamente a buscar a su cachorro. El joven estaba bien, pero ᴛᴇʀʀɪғɪᴇᴅ, colgado de un tronco de árbol de 5 m a…

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