25 Mile UFO existing on the Moon: Undisputed proof of Aliens

ALIEN hunters say they have spotted a 25 mile long UFO on the Moon, leading to claims of “undeniable proof” of extraterrestrial activity on our lunar satellite.A long,…

Astronomer Claims There Are Four Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations in the Milky Way

Very few movie or television aliens are friendly to humans. For every E.T. or ALF, there are dozens with predators, body snatchers, shape-shifters, Klingons and other space killers…

Scientists claim that people-like beings can exist throughout the entire universe

Imagine that future humans manage to travel to other worlds and find… more people. According to an astrobiologist at the University of Cambridge, this scenario may be more…

Disclosed revelations of ex-officials involved in the Pentagon investigation of UFOs

The startling revelations have been revealed in a new Military.com article based on interviews with a number of former officials involved in the Pentagon investigation into UFO sightings….