
Take a Look at This Tiny Log Cabin Filled With Artworks

There is so much to love about this wonderful log cabin located in Corbi, Judetul Arges, Romania. The authentic log cabin can accommodate up to 4 guests with 2 bedrooms, 5 beds, and 1 bathroom. Located in a very quiet area, full of peace and serenity.

The log cabin is filled with lots of artwork, wood, and a cozy fire, you also have all the modern amenities of a home. The outside ciubar(outside hot tub) is optional for an additional fee. You can visit all 4 hectares of land and have a walk in the woods. Delight yourself with the past, as the ancestors of the area used to do, you need to put your firewood on the stove to keep warm in the house. You will need to bring your drinking water, also the place is in the wilderness, so there are chances of encountering wildlife.

The log cabin is located in Corbi, Judetul Arges, Romania in a sleepy part of Romania that is filled with natural peace and harmony. You can take the bus or train to Pitesti, and then you can take the bus to Corbi from Pitesti. During your vacation stay, you can discover the best top things to do in Arges County, Romania including Transfagarasan Highway, the Vila Florica, Centrul de Cultura, Bratianu, Vila Golescu, Princely Church of St Nicholas, Corbii De Piatra, Biserica Olari, Poienari Castle, Biserica Sfanta Vineri, Curtea de Arges Monastery, and the Ansamblul biserial catholic Sf. Iacob, Barataria.

Curtea de Arges Monastery is one of the most famous attractions in Romania. It’s also an excellent choice if you’re looking to discover centuries-old religious sites. Its unique architectural style makes it special even in Romania, a country that has hundreds of religious monuments. From medieval plans to royal renovations. Built 500 years ago by Prince Neagoe Basarab, the church became one of the most important in Southern Romania. Its original architectural design inspired for centuries that of many other churches, but none came close to it. The consecration ceremony from 1517 highlighted the importance of the edifice. Even the Patriarch of Constantinople and many priests from Mount Athos attended the event.

However, the following centuries were harsh on the monastery. Fires, earthquakes, and attacks almost destroyed the church which was also a necropolis for its medieval founder and descendants. It was partly restored in the following centuries by Matei Basarab and Serban Cantacuzino. But it’s the first king of Romania, Carol the 1st who carried the amplest renovation work. French architect Emile Andre Lecomte de Nouy was in charge. According to the restoration criteria of the time, the church was almost completely rebuilt and repainted. Sadly, this controversial renovation destroyed the original impressive frescoes. You can only admire some fragments at the National Museum of Art in Bucharest.

The Princely Church of Saint Nicholas in Curtea de Arges was founded by Basarab I (1310 – 1352), and completed in 1352, in the perimeter of the 13th-century voievodal court. The church, a complex inscribed Greek cross monument, is one of the most representative monuments of medieval Romanian architecture, being the oldest voivode-funded religious monument in Wallachia.



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