Astronomy Mystery


An abandoned shipwreck in the middle of the seaImage:  Mysteries

The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters aims to share the stories of the thousands of wreck sites within the Bermuda Triangle. The show premiers on Sky HISTORY in January, as part of Mystery Season 2023.

Unexplained Mystery: The Devil's Sea (The Dragon's Triangle)

The Bermuda Triangle is most famous for its alleged ability to make things vanish. For centuries, more than 50 ships and 20 aircraft (and all of their passengers) have disappeared in the large triangular area of the Atlantic Ocean that falls between Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico.

Watch The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters Season 1 | Prime Video

Reports of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle can be dated back to Christopher Columbus, with documented records of missing ships from as early as 1800. Despite this, we’re still no closer to any answers about why this particular stretch of open water is the location of many ship and aircraft disappearances.

A History of Disappearing Flights: Amelia Earhart, The Bermuda Triangle,  MH370 and Others - ABC News

In recent months, the Bermuda Triangle has again been in the spotlight thanks to the discovery of part of the Space Shuttle Challenger. While NASA has yet to officially comment on the discovery, it prompted more people to ask what else might be hiding in and around the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

Here are some things that have been lost and found in the Bermuda Triangle.


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