
Elon Musk’s Claim on Pyramids Built by Aliens: Surprising Reactions from Egyptian Officials (VIDEO)

Elon Musk is not your average billionaire as he definitely made quite a name for himself. You can say whatever you want to say about him but you cannot say that he is not amazing at causing a reaction from his fans and his haters, as he constantly has everyone on the fence over whether they love him or absolutely despise his guts.

So, in a shocking new statement, it appears as though he’s done it again as he claimed online that the pyramids were actually created by the aliens in ancient times after all. That is when the Minister of International Co-operation Rania al-Mashat responded to his statement inviting him to explore the pyramids himself and see who the original builders of the tombs really were.

She only had words of encouragement for him, as she also claimed to be a huge fan of his work and most specifically ended her statement with a cheeky “we are waiting for you”. But the story doesn’t stop there, as Zahi Hawass, one of the main archaeologists that have dedicated his whole life to excavating the Egyptian pyramids responded on his personal Twitter with a short video in which he ridiculed Elon’s post, saying he’s delusional.

Out of the 100 or so pyramids that were discovered here by far the most ancient and popular one is the Great Pyramid of Giza and he was one of the main archaeologists to cover it from top to bottom. This was obviously a troll post as Elon attempted to garner attention and he received it, but regardless, it’s still interesting to see such polarizing responses from officials from such an obviously silly post. And to be honest now, what Elon Musk said was the truth, to end with.

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