
Unbelievable photos of a pregnant woman’s rapidly growing belly with triplets

She is 36 years old and is about to give birth to her triplets. Would you like to meet her because she has gained so many followers? Check out the fantastic photos she has posted.

Maria is a 36-year-old mother. She lives in Denmark and is sweetly expecting her triplets this month. She has so far managed to gain more than 46,000 followers on Instagram. Do you want to know how?

The idea of ​​this famous woman is to share a weekly photographic letter with all her followers. Here she documents the growth of her belly: Triplets_of_copenhagen.

This mother from Norway has managed to surprise more than one with the fantastic growth of her “tummy.” She herself admitted that it was “very strange” that she could grow like that without support and “without falling.”

“I am very happy that we have taken these photographs. The collage shows the rapid growth of my tummy. It’s very strange to have ended up with such a big belly. But the strangest thing is that it grows without support and does not fall.

The surprising thing about it all is that Maria only has one son named Mikael, and after her second birth, she will be the mother of four. Her husband, Anders, 40, said he was very happy because they will soon welcome their two daughters and a new son at the end of the month.

Both said they were looking for a new little brother or sister for Mikael, but they got this pleasant surprise. It was incredible for them to know that they would be the parents of triplets without undergoing any type of fertility treatment. They got married earlier this year after meeting on Tinder four years ago.

Studies show that the chances of conceiving triplets without undergoing any type of fertility treatment are 1 in 4,400.

The proud mother says they had to trade their modern hybrid SUV car for a minibus, as this will allow them to fit in with the big family.

A few weeks ago, Maria published a photograph showing her 34-week belly, and in the post she stated that she felt “very good.” Of course, this has not always been the case. She has managed to gain a huge following because she has been so honest in talking about the ups and downs of pregnancy.

Such followers send questions, doubts, and messages of support to the future mother of four children. In a recent publication, one of her followers said: “I wish you the best in the delivery of your future babies. The most beautiful days will come for you. Good luck with that.”


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