Discover the Astonishingly Rare Bright Yellow Cardinal.

Colorful birds are a common sight around the world, but the Yellow Cardinal stands out for its bright and vivid yellow plumage. According to CBS News, cardinal birds are typically found in the US and eastern Canada, with an estimated population of 50 million sporting bright red feathers. This makes the yellow cardinal a one-in-a-million rarity among birds.

Experts suggest that genetic mutations could be responsible for the yellow cardinal’s unusual coloring, as it occurs only once in every million hatches. This makes it an exceptionally rare bird indeed. Reports of sightings have come from Alabama, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and experts have verified their legitimacy.

The first sighting of a yellow cardinal was reported by a lucky resident in Alabama in late January. If you’re fortunate enough to spot one of these rare birds, consider yourself lucky. To learn more about the bright yellow cardinal, keep reading. Have a great day, everyone!

The rare yellow cardinal bird was first spotted in Alabama by a fortunate resident named Charlie Stephenson. It was in his own backyard that he caught sight of this striking bird. In his own words, “Every time we’ve looked for him, he’ll show up at least once a day,” he told

Adult male yellow cardinal

This exact picture shows a male yellow cardinal according to Prof. Geoffrey Hill of Auburn Biology University.

Genetic mutation resulted in yellow pigments

Beautiful and Rare

This beautiful and rare bird is truly one of a kind. You are sure to be lucky to be able to spot one in real life.

Rare Shots

Captured by Jeremy Black, a professional photographer who was lucky to have spotted a yellow cardinal. These pictures actually created a lot of buzz online which led to more reports of people seeing the rare yellow cardinal in their backyard.

Many hope to spot them too this coming winter, when it is said to normally show.

How to spot them?

According to residents who have spotted them, the yellow cardinals are frequent visitors during the winter time, devouring on bird feeders.

So, if you live in the US or the eastern part of Canada, make sure to prepare your bird feeders during the winter time. Who knows? You might be the next lucky on to spot this rare yellow bird.

Common Backyard Birds

Want to see some of the most common backyard birds? Go watch this video and check out if you are also seeing them in your own backyard.

Don’t forget to prepare your camera just in case the yellow cardinal stops by.


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