
Pictures Of A Young Baby Girl Who Aided Her Mother In Giving Birth At Home

Having a baby at home as seen through Monet Nicole’s eyes. Monet Nicole is an expert birth photographer and midwife. She has been there at more than 100 births, and she frequently has images online.

The Instagram account of the photographer has more than 150k subscribers. She shares pictures of births that have taken place at home, in maternity facilities, and even underwater. She simultaneously discusses her personal experiences and those of other mothers while celebrating the greatest miracle birth.

On her website, she also states that she views childbirth as one of those “powerful” and special life experiences that will transform any woman who experiences it. She had the same thing after giving birth. The photographer posted pictures of the birth of the family’s newest member a few months ago.

Another mother story is told in one of Monet’s final blogs. The young mother gave birth at home in front of her family, and it appeared that her daughter was the best support system for her. He stayed at her side the entire time she was giving birth, not sleeping or taking a break, and he was present when the new member arrived.

The sweetest sister (or midwife in training) I have ever seen. We encourage her to go to bed, but she wants to be present in every moment. Midwife in production,” Monet wrote in her post.

See the photos he has published in the gallery below.

The child was very excited and did not want to miss a minute of the whole process.

Monet Nicole posted a series of photos from all stages of childbirth.

The young mother gave birth by herself at home in front of her loved ones.

She was in all the ponds. She was there when her brother was born. And the photographer captured those moments, the mother with her two children. The first moments with you


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