
The hunt has begun for a ‘crashed alien spaceship that hit Earth and is laying at bottom of sea’

Off the coast of Australia, search operations have started for a “crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.”

In 2011, the first strange ship was discovered in the Baltic Sea, many experts were puzzled by this mysterious object. Meanwhile, a few alien hunters were quite pleased with the discovery. However, until now, no one knew for sure what it was.

Tàu vũ trụ của người ngoài hành tinh đang nằm dưới đáy biển Baltic. Ảnh The Sun

The alien spaceship is lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Photo The Sun

The ship has a structure similar to the spaceship in the Star Wars movie. It is this mysterious ship that makes the Baltic Sea “unusual”.

The team of experts used a sonar to detect submarines and found something strange 300 feet below sea level. They also discovered something unusual, inexplicable about this peculiar ship.

Có rất nhiều nghi vấn xung quanh thứ kỳ dị phát hiện dưới đáy biển Baltic. Ảnh The Sun

Photo The Sun

Astrophysicist Avi Loeb is sure that a meteor that crashed in 2014 came from outside our solar system and had ET technology.

The £1.9 million operation to recover the “UFO” that is submerged in the Pacific Ocean has been completely financed.

According to NASA, the meteor traveled through the sky close to Papua New Guinea at a speed of more than 100,000 miles per hour before colliding with the Earth near Manus Island.

According to US Space Command authorities, the meteor, which was about 1.5 feet wide, “was certainly an interstellar object.”

Loeb said: “Our discovery of an interstellar meteor heralds a new research frontier.

“The fundamental question is whether any interstellar meteor might indicate a composition that is unambiguously artificial in origin.

With a magnet, Loeb plans to retrieve the “artificial” item from the Pacific’s ocean floor in order to investigate it.

Source: Physics-astronomy

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