
Man Utd spat over Casemiro ‘leg breaker’ erupts as Paul Merson and Michael Dawson clash

Casemiro will now serve a four-match ban for Manchester United following his red card against Southampton.

Paul Merson Michael Dawson

Paul Merson and Michael Dawson do not agree on Casemiro’s red card for Man Utd vs Southampton (Image: Sky Sports)

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Sky Sports pundits Paul Merson and Michael Dawson were in disagreement over Casemiro’s straight red card against Southampton as the debate over his four-match domestic ban threatens to rumble on. The Brazilian received his marching orders last Sunday following a VAR check after his studs crashed into the shin of Saints attacking midfielder Carlos Alcaraz, who was left slumped on the turf in agony.

The red card was Casemiro’s second in as many months resulting in an increased suspension – straight reds usually result in three-match bans – for the defensive midfielder, who will miss the FA Cup quarter-final with Fulham plus Premier League matches against Newcastle, Brentford and Everton.

But Merson feels as though Casemiro and United were hard done by as the officials should have taken the wet pitch into consideration when reviewing the incident.

“Sometimes you’ve got to use common sense. Casemiro’s one, it’s a wet pitch, his foot has rolled over the ball. He hasn’t missed it. You can’t help that,” Merson said on Soccer Saturday.

“Any other day his studs are bang on the ball and he carries on and it will be alright.

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The red card was Casemiro’s second in as many months resulting in an increased suspension – straight reds usually result in three-match bans – for the defensive midfielder, who will miss the FA Cup quarter-final with Fulham plus Premier League matches against Newcastle, Brentford and Everton.

But Merson feels as though Casemiro and United were hard done by as the officials should have taken the wet pitch into consideration when reviewing the incident.

Manchester United v Southampton FC - Premier League

Man Utd midfielder Casemiro was sent off for the horror challenge on Carlos Alcaraz (Image: Getty)

“It’s just a bit of common sense, you know what I mean?

Dawson then outlined that the tackle was a leg-breaker in his view: “But if he breaks his leg with the Alcaraz one…”

To which Merson quickly replied: “But he didn’t…”

Ex-Spurs defender Dawson responded: “I know he didn’t Merse. But I just think that’s a red card, that’s my view.”


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